Chapter Fifty-Three

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Author's note: I don't know if it will show on the wattpad app but Bella's outfit is up top. Also, there are more than two chapters left.


Isabella Johnson

I pulled out my phone and texted Brandon that I was here. I decided to come to support my other East High friends who haven't used me as a rebound or lied to me. This is also my favorite Disney movie. My dad and I used to watch it together. I remember how we watched it on reply all the time in the hospital.

Bella not Izzy: I'm here! Sitting in the third row third seat to the left. Break a leg B! :)

Brandon the Best: Aghhhhhh! I'm so glad you decided to come. I'm screaming inside. Miss Jenn is about to take my phone away. See you after the show Bells.

I read his text and smiled then put my phone away in my purse. I guess that while I wait for the show to start, I should read the playbill.

Damn, they really took it seriously this year.

After a few minutes, the lights in the theater dimmed and music started to play. I knew the prologue song by heart and watched the stage change from dark to light.

Gina's opening number had my jaw dropping to the floor. It was fantastic! I need to compliment her more.

She was born a star.

After the curtains closed, for a short intermission, I got my phone out and decided to shoot Gina a text, even though she would probably be changing into her next outfit.

Isabella: You are a star! Your first song blew me away. I didn't that you could sing like that. You are going to have to give me some tips some time. I need someone to critique my songs that's not Brandon.

Gina Porter: Thanks so much Isabella! Wait till Ricky finds out that you came. He's going to be shocked and excited. G2G changing.

I stared at that message and then put my phone back in my purse.

What did she mean by Ricky is going to be excited to see me? I didn't say that I'm staying for the after-party. I wasn't even invited to it by Brandon, which is understandable since I'm not in the show.

I put my phone on silent and shoved it back into my purse so that I could watch the rest of the show. The curtains were about to re-open any minute.

I stared at the stage the whole time intrigued by my friends putting on my favorite Disney production and even laughed a few time when Brandon came on stage. I couldn't stop laughing at his accents and costume. He was born for his role even if he wasn't a lead.

All of a sudden, Belle (Gina) was approached by the Beast (Ricky), who had scared her in the castle scene. I watched the two of my somewhat friends act on the stage and noticed that Ricky had forgotten his line because I saw Miss Jenn, Carlos and Brandon peeping out from the corner of the stage mouthing words to him. Ricky stood still on the stage without saying a word and stared at me into the audience.

Thankfully, after a minute or two Gina (Belle) snapped him out of his daydream and he remembered his line. I'm not sure what just happened there, but it sure looked like he was surprised to see me like Gina said in her message.

I watched them act while trying not to stare at Ricky every second, but his Beast costume looked so perfect  on him, I couldn't help but stare when he glanced back at me. I tried to look at Gina more often because she was the perfect Belle and sang like an angel.

I watched Gina dance flawlessly with Ricky to 'Tale as old as Time' and wished that I was up there.

I wanted a somebody to hold me tight and tell me that they loved me. I am tired of getting hurt. I wish I had a perfect fairy tale.

The rest of the show went well and Ricky didn't mess up his lines. I guess he finally stopped staring at me and actually got into character. I don't know what's up with him. Maybe he's looking for Nini or his mom? Why would he be staring at me?

 I'm just a rebound girl.

After the curtains closed, I followed everyone out of the theater after the curtains had closed and decided that I would just wait for Brandon to come out of the dressing room to sign autographs then leave. I don't want to see Ricky kissing Nini. Now's not the time and I'm not in the mood to be hurt again. I saw her in the audience earlier and noticed her smiling brightly at Ricky.

"Hey Isabella, I'm glad you came. Ricky is dying to talk to you. Please wait and hear him out. He has something really important to tell you. The cast will be out in a few minutes. They are just changing out of their costumes and getting their makeup off." I saw Big Red walk up to me with a headset on from stage crew.

"Hey Big Red, great show! Why would Ricky be want to talk to me? Doesn't he want to see Nini? She's here right?" I said while nervously biting my lip.

"That's for you to find out and me to hear about later from my best friend. Please give him five minutes to talk. He hasn't stopped talking about you since he got his makeup on. He's going to be a wreck if you leave without seeing him. Please stay." Big Red said to me as we watched the cast walk out of the backstage doors.

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