Chapter Twenty-Six

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Author's Note: This is the last chapter of the Valentine's day dance.


*February 14th*

Ricky Bowen

Nini and I were taking cute pictures by the photo station when E.J approached us and pulled me by the shirt collar again.

"What the hell?! Who did you tell Bowen? Why can't you keep your mouth shut?" E.J yelled at me while everyone at the dance started staring at us.

"E.J, get off of Ricky please. Your hurting him." I saw Nini tear up and try to pull E.J off of me but she was to weak.

"Who did you tell?!" E.J screamed at my face as he let go of my shirt collar.

Everyone was staring at the three of us even Bella.

What the hell did I do to upset E.J Caswell?!

"I didn't tell anyone anything. I don't know what your talking about." I whispered to E.J as I grasped onto Nini's hand because she was shaking of fear.

"You arw lying because everyone knows now. Youare going to regret it Bowen." I watched  E.J tear up and walked away from us making a scene again.

All of a sudden Nini's phone started buzzing with notifications and she excused herself from the scene because she thought that her moms were calling about her flight back to Denver. Everyone went back to staring at their phones instead of dancing and I was left standing at the photo station alone.

What the hell did I do to make him scream at me like that?


I decided to go back to drama student table and go talk to my friends while I waited for Nini. As I was approaching Gina's side of the table Carlos shoved his phone into my face and showed me a photo of E.J and I in the mens' bathrooms. It was the exact scene where E.J had pulled my shirt collar and threatened me. The picture was in an East High news article for some reason and the article said that E.J was bisexual.

Who the hell got this photo?! Was someone watching us? How is it already in an East High News Article?!

"What the hell is this Ricky?! Its on everyone' phone. Did you know about this before?" Carlos said in a high pitched voice as everyone at the table stared at us.

"Babe, don't yell at him. He's the one who got threatened by E.J. I bet some student took a picture of them and gave it to someone to write this article about," I watched as his date, Seb, explained to him.

"I don't know who took this picture but yeah it happened. I didn't say a word to anyone. All of this drama is making me thirsty. I'm going to grab a drink." I replied to my friends as I watched Bella hold onto her friend Brandons' hand.

As I was approaching the drink table, I saw Nini walk towards me out of the corner of my eye and stepped out of line to go see her. She looked sad and upset.

 Maybe her flight got changed or something happened and her moms can't pick her up? I thought to myself

"What the hell, Ricky?! You are cheating on me with another girl? You promised me that you'd wait till I come back over spring break so that we could be together again. You said that you loved me. You said that entire speech to me after the musical." Nini said as she started to cry while standing 6 feet away from me.

"What are you talking about Nini?" I walked over to her and touched her shoulder to calm her down.

"Explain this or else we're breaking up." Nini was now full on sobbing and stepped away from me.

She showed me her phone that had several messages from an unknown number. There were at least 10 photos of Bella and I hanging out at school or at the skate rink.

"Who is she?" Nini mumbled as she wiped her tears.

"I don't know who took those photos but she's just a friend. I promise. Nins, please trust me. You have friends of the opposite sex too. What about Luke?" I said as I ran my hand through my curls.

"Don't bring Luke or Hamilton or any guy into this. Hamilton was the first friend I made at YAC and he helped me getting around campus. Without him, I probably would have been late to all my classes. Who is she Ricky? Are you dating her?" Nini exclaimed as she grabbed a drink from the drink table.

"She's just a friend. Trust me Nins." I reached over to get a piece of her hair out of her face.

"Don't touch me Ricky. I know what I saw. You like her." Nini said to me harshly as a group of students watched us.

Before I could make a comeback, Nini took her drink and dumped it onto my head similar to how Gina poured punch on E.J at homecoming.

What just happened?!

I don't know who sent her those photos but I'm going to get revenge.

"We're done." Nini said to me as she grabbed onto Kourtney's shoulder, who was standing behind her watching the scene unfold.

All of a sudden, the DJ broke the silence and announced,"The last song of the night goes to the single ladies. Remember its okay not to have a date on Valentine's day. You have to love yourself before you love somebody else!"

Beyonce's iconic song "Single Ladies" started playing through the speakers ,and a bunch of girls got up to run to the dance floor.

I don't think that there could be a worse song playing at this moment since my curls are soaked in punch and my girlfriend just broke up with me.

I was going to head to the mens' restrooms to get cleaned up but noticed that Gina, Natalie, Steph, and Bella were having fun on the dance floor.

Bella looked so beautiful tonight but I also wanted Nini back.


Finding Belle (a Ricky Bowen fanfiction)🌹Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin