Chapter Fifty-Five

391 11 7

Isabella Johnson

"OMG! You love strawberry pancakes too and songwriting! We're like long lost besties. No offense B." I said happily as I sat next to Nini at the the very long table we made at Denny's.

"You guys are so wrong. Blueberry pancakes are the best." Ricky said from across the table where he was sitting next to Big Red.

"He's so wrong." Nini and I said at the same time jinxing ourselves and then high-fiving each other.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, Andrew and I kind of broke up in the car ride coming here." I heard E.J say as his voice cracked while he took a seat next to Ricky that was open. (A/N:anyone remember him?)

"I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe some Denny's breakfast for dinner at midnight will make you feel better." Natalie Bagley said from the head of the table.

"Yeah apparently, he's the one behind the East High News app. I found the photo he took of Ricky and I in the bathrooms on Valentine's day on his phone while I was looking for GPS directions, the one from the article. I should've known that he was sketchy at first. I feel so dumb because I dated him and he hurt some of you guys by publishing those articles." E.J said as he looked at Ricky and I.

"Oh wow. I didn't notice him acting sketchy backstage. I'm sorry about him. He's not worth your time." Brandon said from where he was sitting next to me.

"I'll be okay after I eat some yummy food. Did I miss anything?" E.J said as I watched Brandon get up from his seat and sit in the empty chair next to E.J comforting him since there was one spot left.

"Just Nini and I telling Ricky that strawberry pancakes are better than blueberry pancakes." I said as I smiled at Brandon and E.J side hugging.

Finally, my OTP has sailed, well almost. They just have to go on a date soon. I knew that Brandon liked E.J, that's why he always writes about him in his gossip blog. (A/N: should their ship name be B.J?)

"I think that strawberry pancakes and blueberry pancakes are good. Actually, I think I'll order both. I'm starving after that performance." E.J said to the table as Ricky and I fake gasped at each other while smiling.

"You two on good terms now? Wow. I never thought I'd see that happen. Ricky was so glum and grumpy backstage earlier because you hadn't arrived yet." E.J said motioning to Ricky and I.

"Hey, I was not glum or grumpy. I was getting into character." Ricky replied to E.J as I watched Brandon rub E.J's back comforting him, which he surprisingly allowed.

"Yeah right, Bowen." Gina winked at him as our server came to the table with our food and E.J's order of Strawberry and Blueberry pancakes.

I think that we were all starving after that show, even though I wasn't in it. There was a long moment of silence as we all started to eat our food. Ricky looked up at me while I took a bite of my strawberry pancakes and smiled at me. I smiled back at him. He looked really cute since he had some blueberry stain on his cheek. I watched him as he ate the rest of the portion like a gentleman. I can't believe that I get to call Ricky Bowen my friend again.

"You've got a little something on your cheek, Ricky." Nini said before I could as she stopped eating.

"Oh." Ricky said as he blushed and took a napkin to wipe his face.

"Strawberry pancakes will forever be superior to all other kinds of pancakes." I said happily before I took another bite of my food.

"I will disagree with that statement forever." Ricky looked up at me smiling.

Nini smiled at me as she watched her best friend smile back at me. I think Nini was truly happy being best friends with Ricky after all, nothing more.

"You know, I never thought that I'd say this but Rella is my new OTP, sorry E.J and Brandon and sorry Nini." Carlos replied from where he was sitting with Seb.

"We're not dating." Ricky, Brandon, E.J, and I blurted out at the same time as Carlos glanced at us with confusion.

"You guys act like you are." Seb said next to Carlos.

"You guys are crazy." I whispered under my breath.

"I think that he's right." Nini whispered to me as she nudged me playfully.

All of a sudden, the song that was playing over the stereo changed and started blasting Katy Perry's song, "Teenage Dream" over the speakers even though it was almost 1:00 am and the restaurant was empty except for us.

Brandon and I took one glance at each other, before getting up out of our seats and belting out the lyrics to no one in particular as we danced and smiled in the middle of restaurant. Everyone else got up from their seats and started singing with us. The waiter who had served us gave us a few weird looks then went back to the kitchen. I guess that you could say that this is my teenage dream.

You think I'm pretty, without any make-up on
You think I'm funny, when I tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me, so I let my walls come down

Before you met me, I was alright

But things were kind of heavy, you brought me to life
Now every February, you'll be my Valentine
ValentineLet's go all
The way tonight
No regrets
Just love
We can dance
Until we die
You and I
Will be young foreverYou make me
Feel like I'm living a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on

I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back
Don't ever look backMy heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch

Now baby, I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

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