Chapter Fifty-Four

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Ricky Bowen

My friends and I walked out of the bathrooms aka the dressing rooms in our normal clothes, and went to find our parents or friends waiting to congratulate us. From the corner of my eye, I could see Nini smiling at me and giving me a thumbs up. This was my moment to talk to Bella and tell her how sorry I am for everything I did. If I have to, I'll get Nini to explain a bit but I need to make sure that Bella listens this time.

"Hey, umm could we talk in private? Maybe where they are cleaning up the theater?" I tried my best to say quietly to Bella as I saw her talking to Brandon.

"I need to go find my parents. Tell me the tea later." I heard Brandon say to Bella as she walked over to me looking at another direction besides my face.

"Don't you want to see Nini first? She's the one you are in love with." I heard Bella whisper sadly as we walked into the empty theater a few feet apart.

"What makes you think that? Nini and I are just friends now. We broke up after the valentine's day dance." I said as I tried to put a hand on her back to comfort her but she backed away quickly, so I respected her privacy.

"I overheard you talk to Nini on the phone one day in the music room. You said that you still have feelings for her." Bella said to me looking away and sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Is that why you have been ignoring me for weeks? I really shouldn't have said that in the music room, but Nini and I had to clear some things up. I'm really sorry for hurting you and using you as a rebound for her. I'm sorry for everything I did to make you feel like your not good enough. I want for us to be more than friends eventually, but I know that it's going to take a while for you to gain back my trust. Please look at me Bella? Its been the worst few weeks for me without talking to you. You are a really good friend and I don't deserve you because I'm a jerk." I ranted as she stared at the stage that still had confetti on it.

"You are a really cute jerk though. Is Nini okay with this? I mean us being friends?" Bella turned to face me and finally looked into my eyes.

"You think I'm cute? Wow. I'll take that as a compliment. Nini knows about us. I told her before. She's working on her career instead of love life. I respect her for that. Can we please be friends again? I'll do whatever I can to gain back your trust." I said as I looked into her eyes.

"Ok we can be friends as long as I'm not your rebound girl anymore and as long as you don't ditch me at work. It's going to take a while for me to trust you again but I'm don't hate you. I miss you too. I just need some time." Bella said to me while she played with her fingers.

"I promise you that you won't be my rebound girl and I won't ditch you again. I'll give you as much time as you need. I'll do whatever I can to gain back your trust. I'm sorry for being a really shitty friend. Ummm would you want to be my plus one to the after party at Denny's? As friends of course nothing more for now." I said as I bit my lip nervously waiting for her response.

"I'd really like that Ricky. I'll meet you there. I'm gonna take my car." Bella said smiling for the first time tonight.

"Umm can I hug you now? If you are okay with it?" I said to her as she stared at me.

"Yeah that would be nice." Bella said as I reached out to hug her gently.

"I'm glad we're on good terms again. Once again, I'm sorry for everything I did to hurt you." I said to her as I let go of the hug.

"It's okay." Bella said to me brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

All of a sudden the pledge of allegiance, came on through the speakers in the theater, making Bella and I laugh at each other. What the hell just happened?

"Sorry about that, I was trying to turn off the audio system." I heard Big Red say from above where the sound board was.

"It's okay. That was funny." Bella replied as she stood up with her purse.

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