Chapter Forty-Nine

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Isabella Johnson

"Why are you so smiley and jumpy today, B?" I said to my best friend as we walked into school.

"I have a gift for you Bells!" Brandon said excitedly as we walked into school side by side.

"You do? B, you're too kind. You didn't need to get me anything." I replied while blushing.

"I had to get you something after you wrote me that beautiful song. You deserve the world. You are so talented Bells. Here, you go!" Brandon said to me excitedly handing me a red gift bag.

"Omg! I have been wanting this notebook forever but it sold out in minutes. How did you? OMG. You are the best best friend ever." I said while tearing up an smiling.

"I may have a friend of a friend that works at Disney World who shipped it to me. Look inside. There's something else." Brandon said to me leaning over my shoulder side hugging me.

"B, I really love the gift and appreciate your kindness but you know that I don't want to see you know who this weekend. I'd rather not go to the spring musical. I'm sorry I won't be able to see you sing this year." I said to him while looking at the ticket that was laying in a page of the notebook.

" I said to him while looking at the ticket that was laying in a page of the notebook

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"It's okay. I understand. Please think about it. Some of our other friends are in the show like Gina, E.J and that Big Red. Today's Wednesday so you have two nights to think about it." Brandon said while hugging me tightly.

"I promise you. I'll think about it. Thank you again for the gift. You are the best best friend I could ever have." I said while hugging Brandon tightly back and glancing at the front doors where Ricky had just walked in with Big Red.

"Love you too Bells." Brandon replied to me as I got my books out of my locker for first period.

"I'll see you at lunch B. Remember you are the best!" I said while smiling and heading off to my American Literature class to dread to see you know who.

I walked into the English class room and saw Ricky sitting in the back row in a spot next to my usual spot, I guess he didn't get the message that I didn't want to see him anymore. I decided to sit in the front row today to avoid him and to get a better view of the whiteboard.

Since there were still five minutes till class started, I took out the notebook that Brandon had gifted me and took a glance at the ticket again. It looked so shiny and beautiful, like a real Broadway ticket.

The drama club must have been working real hard on selling tickets for the show.

Just a minute or so before the bell rang, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. The girl sitting behind me gave me a torn up piece of paper and then sat back down in her seat.

While our teacher was writing the lesson plan on the board, I slipped the piece of paper into my notebook and took a glance at it. My mouth fell wide open because their in small messy handwriting was another note from Ricky Bowen.

All it said was a simple, I'm sorry.

"Miss Johnson, is there something that you want to share with the class?" The teacher said to me as he approached my desk after I quickly closed my notebook.

"Sorry sir, I was just looking at notes for next period. we have a pop quiz." I lied to him.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again. This is literature class not some other subject." He whispered to me as he went back to his lesson.


While I was walking down the hall to go outside to Brandon and I's lunch spot, I suddenly heard a speaker turn on and play a song I knew from the live action, Beauty and the Beast movie. Instead of going outside to Brandon, I walked down the hall to see where the music was coming from and noticed that the song was playing from one of the spare music rooms' speakers.

Since, Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie, I decided to peep in and see who was singing. Maybe it was Gina or Ashlyn?

Luckily for me, the music room door that was cracked open a bit so I took a peek at who was in the room while standing behind a column.

Over in the corner standing in the music room was Ricky and Miss Jenn talking to each other since the music had turned off.

"Ricky, go eat lunch with your friends. You need food so that you can learn. We have rehearsals later anyway. You can practice then." I overheard Miss Jenn say to Ricky.

"No, I have to practice this song. It has to be perfect for her." I heard Ricky say as he turned the speaker back making the music play loudly.

Since the music was playing loudly in the classroom, I couldn't hear who's name he said to said to Miss Jenn. I decided to go eat lunch with Brandon, before I got caught.

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