Chapter Fifty-Two

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Author's note: There will be a lot of time skips in this chapter. Get ready for opening night.


Ricky Bowen

"Mom! What are you doing here?" I said as I walked down the stairs with my backpack seeing her making pancakes in the kitchen.

"Tonight's your big night, Ricky. I'm not going to miss seeing you as Beast. You are going to do fantastic. I just know it." She said as I ran over to hug her.

Even though, she married Todd and left the state, I still miss her a lot. She makes the best pancakes and gives the best hugs. There's nothing like having two parents back together for one night.

I really hope that Todd isn't coming tonight.

"I missed you so much. Dad can't make pancakes to save his life. Is ummm Todd coming tonight?" I said nervously as I watched her flip the pancakes.

"No, he is not. He has a work meeting tonight and I told him how much this show means to you. He understands that you're not ready to see him face to face yet. I get it sweetie. This divorce has been hard for all of us. Please try and accept that he's your step-father soon. He really wants to go to a musical with you in Chicago. Think about it Ricky please." My mom said for the thousandth time this year.

"Ok. I'll think about it. Hmmm those pancakes smell good." I said as I lied to my mom about Todd.

"Do you want blueberries or M&M's in them?" My mom said as she kissed my cheek gently.

"Blueberries please. Can't have a sugar rush for tonight. I have to make sure that everything is perfect for her." I said to my mom as I sat at a stool by the counter.

"Nini?" My mom said as she passed my a glass of water.

"No, actually its this girl, Bella who I met this year. She is in my American Literature class and got me into books. She's really beautiful and has so much in common with me. She's as singer and songwriter. I just love her voice but I've only heard her sing a few times. Nini and I are best friends now. It's kind of a long story but I like Bella but she won't even look at me now. I don't know why she hates me so much." I said to my mom as she flipped the pancakes again.

"Have you tried asking her about what's bothering her? She might be fragile and sensitive." My mom said as she passed me a plate of her blueberry pancakes.

"Yeah, I sent her a few notes during school and asked her to see me at lunch one day but she didn't show up. I don't know what I did. We were on good terms before. She kind of forgave me for some shit I did." I said as I ate the pancakes.

"Maybe you'll see her tonight and she will hear you out. Eat up. You can't be late for school. Today's your big day." My mom said as she started to clean the dishes.

"Thanks mom. I'm glad that you are here. I've missed you." I said as I finished the last pancake and grabbed my backpack so that I could drive to school.

Usually, I'd skateboard with Big Red but today he's getting a ride from Ashlyn since she's his girlfriend and has a car.

When I got to school, I checked my phone and saw that I had five minutes left till first period. I decided to head to class early since I already had all my books with me. I wanted to see if Bella was there before me again. I know that she wants distance from me, but I can't help but stare at her while I sat in the back row.

As I walked into the classroom, I saw Bella sitting in the front row writing something in her new Beauty and the Beast notebook.

Brandon must have gotten that for her., I thought to myself.

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