Boa and Bowie Meet

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Here's the next chapter for you. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

The next morning Kristina arrived at the Super Stars house with Trad and Clio. Zac introduced them to Amaya before asking Freddy to wake the kids and bring them out to the living room. Freddy went to get Reiko first of course.

Entering his room he saw her laying in the bed facing the door. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing in and out rhythmically. He really didn't want to wake her but Kristina was here to see her as well as Kit so he reluctantly did so.

"Reiko," Freddy called softly as he gently shook her.

She stirred, yawned then opened her eyes. She smiled when she saw it was Freddy. Then leaped up and hugged him.

"Someone's here to talk to you. Get ready and come out to meet her. I'll go wake Kit than come back here for you kay?"

"Kay," Reiko nodded. "Hum. Freddy is she nice?"

"Yes. Her name's Kristina. She's from the High Council. she's actually in charge of the council. She wants to talk to you for a bit."

Reiko nodded and Freddy went to wake Kit so Kristina could talk to him. In Zac's room Kit was already awake. He sat on the edge of the bed already dressed and looking sad.

"Kit," Freddy spoke softly as he sat next to him.

"I miss mom and Cuza and I'm scared he's going to find me again and take me away with him for who knows what," Kit said in a small voice.

"I'm sorry about your mom Kit and I'm sure Cuza will be found safe soon. As for Free don't you worry about him. We won't let him touch you," Freddy assured. "Kristina's here so let's go out to the living room so she can talk with you okay."

Freddy led Kit out of Zac's room he picked up Reiko who was standing outside his room waiting for him then they walked into the living room together. Reiko sitting between her mom and Freddy and Kit sitting with Zac. Who looked a little worried about him.

"Zac tells me one of Free's coven members found the house Amaya was hiding at with the kids and now he wants the girl too," Kristina started.

"That's right," Amaya responded.

"I didn't think he'd find Kit so soon," Kristina worried. "I assume it's not safe to return there."

"You assume correctly," Zac told her.

"Joshua and his coven are out right now looking for Cuza as well as the rest of the High Council," Trad spoke. "I think Clio should get a message to them by one of his animals to bring the boy to the Commons if they find him."

"Not if Trad," Kristina scolded gently, "when."

"Sorry Kris. When."

"We will take Kit, Amaya and Reiko to the Commons with us until Free is dealt with," Kristina decided. "You'll all be much safer there."

"Does that mean I won't see Freddy?" Reiko asked suddenly not liking the idea. "No."

"She has a crush on Freddy," Amaya explained to the witch who nodded with a smile.

"Young love" Clio suddenly said softly, "I remember when it was easy to say you loved someone. Now it seems only hardships can bring out true love these days and sometimes not even that."

"Someone knows that all too well," Katana said quietly glancing at Mick.

Clio turned to said vampire too with a knowing look before turning his attention back to the reason the group was gathered.

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