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Here's the next chapter. The first bit right down to where Zac comes into the chapter depicts torture. If you don't like or don't want to read you can skip this part. Please comment and or vote and enjoy.

Bowie awoke the next day to the door of his prison opening quite loudly. He groaned and forced his eyes open to see Free standing in front of him with a barely suppressed smirk and glee in his dark eyes.

"Do you know what time it is shadow wielder?" Free asked in a bored tone. He tried to hide the glee in his voice and almost succeeded but Bowie still heard it.

"Time for me to get out of here," Bowie replied calmly but with a glare.

"Good luck with that. While you're thinking of a way to escape from here why don't we get down to the fun I have planned for us? I know I said it would start three or four days after you arrived but better late than never right?"

Free went over to the long table to Bowie's right and picked something up. He came back to Bowie and sat in the same little chair he'd kept a few feet from his captive. Just out of his reach. He showed the selected item to the bound vampire.

Bowie sighed a little as he looked away from Free. It was a small dagger with no trace of silver on it. Then he panicked a little realizing it was a regular dagger and not one of the silver ones meaning his suffering really was just beginning and it would be prolonged as long as Free could prolong it. Bowie sighed again and forced himself to calm down. He could do this. He could hold on long enough for the others to find him. At least he hoped so.

"Don't worry we're not going to use the silver daggers. Yet," Free lazily told him. "This will hurt you more than it'll hurt me though."

With more force than what was needed Free shoved the knife into Bowie's right shoulder. It went in almost to the hilt and damn it hurt. A lot.


Bowie tried to not make any sound as the knife pierced his shoulder but it was hard. He shut his eyes tightly and grit his teeth biting back the cry trying to force its way up his throat. He unfortunately couldn't stop it completely and a small grunt got past.

"Trying to stay strong through the pain. Not bad but eventually you will break," Free mused.

Bowie breathed in and out slowly and deeply staying as calm as he could through the pain. It had been a while since he'd last fed, at least a couple weeks now, but as soon as the knife was extracted from his shoulder the wound should heal up quickly enough and the pain would go away. Unfortunately Free had other plans.

Free didn't remove the blade from Bowie's shoulder. He did something worse. He twisted the knife around slowly and pushed it in deeper until the handle was against Bowie's skin.


Bowie's cry ripped through the room loudly. He couldn't stop it. The pain was just too much. Free chuckled a little as he stepped away from the now growling and gasping vampire with tears falling from his pain filled eyes.

"There's more where that came from. By the end of all this you'll wish you were dead. A wish I will grant when I'm finished with you."

Free left the knife in Bowie's shoulder and walked back to the table to select another knife. He picked up a smaller kitchen knife. The same little kitchen knife he'd already used on Bowie once before. It was smaller than the dagger but still harmful to Bowie in Free's hands. This blade also had no silver on it but Bowie would soon wish it did.

"I said today would be the day the fun would really begin and I ment it," Free recalled. "You just didn't think I'd actually do it. That was a big and costly mistake on your part. You should have tried harder to escape or mentally prepared yourself more for this moment."

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