Cuza and a Key

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Welcom to  chapter 42. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts. Also please enjoy.

"The damn key is in with the vampire captive," Free told Norman and Carlos. "I found it under a chair but it's within his reach and if we go anywhere near him he attacks. When Boa and Wakiya fled he regained some of his control over his feral side but it was brief and he hasn't been able to do it again."

"So you want us to go in and help you restrainhim more so you can get the key?" Carlos asked.

"No. Not right now. I have to deal with this injury and the silver in my blood first. In a few nights it'll be club night. I'll grab a human to feed off from there to help with this wound. In the meantime I'm going to be slowly draining the silver from my system. We'll get the key back after I've recovered," Free told of his plan. "He's restrained a bit better with his own ability right now."

"Sounds good," Norman said. "Carlos go with Free and make sure he's safe."

"No we're all going to the club together," Free told him. "I want everyone at their best for a coordinated attack on the Super Stars coven I'm planning," Free insisted.

Norman and Carlos nodded and Free led them backinside the house. Nightfell smirked. He liked the sound of that. The wholecoven was going out and he knew where that key was. Perfect. Before he didanything though he'd report to his brother.

Nightfell made his way back to his coven with the monkey sitting on his shoulder. It wouldn't leave him alone for some reason. Nightfell was too deep in thought to really care at the moment. He was thinking about why and how this monkey didn't know he'd been in that tree.

It should have been able to smell him. Shouldn't it? but it didn't. He thought about how Free and his vampires also didn't know he was there. Their sense of smell was better than a human's and the wind had shifted to blow towards the house before Free and Norman joined Carlos outside. Why didn't they smell him? Was the key problem really that distracting to them that they didn't notice his presence?

Next was Boa. Nightfell had been right next to the couch Boa had been laying on. Yet Boa didn't know he was there until he'd spoken. Boa hadn't seen him due to the stress of the situation he'd been fleeing from but why hadn't he know Nightfell was there by his scent?

"It's so odd. Unless."

Nightfell stopped picked up the monkey from hisshoulder and looked at him. He should have smelled Nightfell in that tree yethe didn't. Boa hadn't noticed him either nor had Free and his vampires. Theycouldn't smell him.

"This is going to be easier then I thought. Especially since I apparently don't leave a scent," Nightfell smirked. "You didn't smell me in that tree did you?" he asked the monkey.

The monkey shook his head. What? He could understand what Nightfell was saying? Could monkeys understand people? Nightfell wasn't sure so he asked the monkey a simple question.

"Are you Cuza?"

The monkey went still and looked at him sharply.Then he squirmed out of Nightfell's grasp and jumped to the ground. Afterrunning a small distance away he shifted to his human form.

"People have been looking for you. A friend of the Super Stars found your brother and we've been trying to find you too so the two of you can be reunited," Nightfell said.

"Kit? Kit's okay," Cuza exclaimed in relief.

"Yes. He is. Come I'll take you to Zachary and the others."

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