Bowie Rescued

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Mick barely had time to turn around in response to everyone's warnings. The silver blade flew quickly at him. Suddenly out of nowhere a force knocked him to the ground and out of the way and the dagger sailed passed him and lodged itself in the trunk of a nearby tree. Mick turned to whoever had just saved him and came face to face with a very concerned looking Boa.

"Zac told you to stay put at the house," Mick told him almost furiously.

"Yeah I know. You're glad I didn't though aren't you? That dagger would have ended your life given where it was aimed. Plus I thought I could help. Not with the fighting but with retrieving Bowie and taking him back home so he can get help quicker."

"Zac's not going to like this when he realizes you're here," Mick sighed losing his anger at the mention of helping Bowie.

"Well, well, well. What have we here? A little traitor named Boa. Now where's the other one at. Sulking somewhere like the scared little fledgling he is?" Free sneered and laughed.

"He stayed put like he was supposed to," Boa stated firmly, "I wasn't going to. Zac give me the key. I know where Bowie is. I can get him quickly while you finish Free off."

"Key? Key to what?" Free wondered.

"The key to the chains used to restrain Bowie," Zac told him a little annoyed at Boa for not listening but glad Mick was alright.

"How? Mine is in his possession. He's so feral no one can get to it and you never got close enough to Norman to get his. No one else got it from him did they?"

"Oh Bowie maybe feral but I'm a master thief," Nightfell bragged from where he stood. "I can get anything I want. And I have. I managed to get the key away from Bowie after some time."

"How. He's feral and dangerous plus if you did get into the house your scent would have been left there and we detected nothing," Free frowned.

"It seems Nightfell's one of those lucky few who gains an ability after only a while of being a vampire," Zac smirked pulling the key to Bowie's chains from the right back pocket of his pants.

"I can hide my scent by changing it to something else or turning it off completely so you wouldn't even know if I was around or not," Nightfell snickered.

"How unfortunate," Free growled angrily.

"Zac the key. Now," Boa called out. "Let me get Bowie out of here to safety."

Zac thought about giving the key to Boa but something stopped him. Boa didn't listen to him when he told him to stay put. He didn't stay at the house despite being afraid of Free like Zac had ordered him too. Was he really afraid of Free? Though Free had, just now, called him a traitor and Boa had led them to the house they were fighting near was he really a traitor? Or was this all part of a plan concocted by Free to keep Bowie from being rescued and to captor more of the Super Stars?

Though Zac had said Boa would join the Super stars when Free went down he hadn't actually thought about whether Boa was really betraying Free or not. If Zac gave Boa the key would he really go and rescue Bowie? Or would he run off with the key so they couldn't get the chains off their brother. Maybe Boa would give the key back to Free once he got his hands on it.

"Zac I'll go with him," Mick shouted out. "Give me the key if you don't trust him. You know you can trust me."

Zac nodded and threw the key to Mick. He trusted Mick completely and knew Mick would, for sure, rescue Bowie. Mick caught the key with ease. Free rushed at Mick to get it back from him but Boa pushed Mick out of the way again while Zac took the chance to hit Free with a strong burst of electric energy. Boa helped Mick to his feet and made sure he still had the key. He did. Mick held on to that little key as if his very life depended on it. Someone's life did depend on him not losing it.

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