Zac's Secret Revealed

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Here is chapter 16. Comment and or vote and please enjoy.

Zac finally returned to the house in the early afternoon several hours after he had left it. After talking to his brother Zac had needed some time to himself to think about things regarding his brother, his coven, Free and his life as a vampire in general. He knew he needed to tell the rest of the coven about Nightfell and soon. He took a few deep calming breaths as he stood outside the house and finally entered to see Kristina sitting in the living room on the couch in front of the t.v waiting for him. Glancing around he saw Freddy and Akira sitting on the other couch.

"You're back," Akira exclaimed as he saw Zac and ran over to give him a much needed hug. One they both seemed to need right now. Zac due to his emotions at the moment and Akira due to his worry of Zac when he didn't return last night.

"Yeah I'm back now. Where's the rest of our coven?"

"Shinki and Katana fell asleep but should be awake soon. Bowie is with Mick at the moment and Orochi's outside somewhere but he should be coming back inside now that you're back," Freddy told him.

Zac nodded before sitting down next to the witch. He stayed quiet for a while then he looked over to the door just in time to see Orochi walk into the living room. He took one look at Zac then looked at Freddy then Akira then Kristina then back at Zac.

"You don't look like your usual perky self," he commented.

"Was it that lead Kris said you were following?" asked Akira as he also noticed Zac's quiet, not so happy state too.

"Freddy go get the others. It's time I talked to all of you about something important," Zac said softly after some thought.

Freddy nodded and got up to get Bowie, Katana and Shinki. Before he left the room he turned back to Zac questioningly.

"Yeah. Mick too. He needs to hear this."

Freddy nodded again then headed over to Katana's room first as it was closer to the living room then Mick's was and he might need to help Bowie help Mick. The vampires in the living room all heard him knock. They heard Katana answer after a few seconds and they heard Freddy tell him and Shinki, who was also just waking up, to go to the living room for a quick meeting.

"You're going to tell them now?" Kristina quietly whispered to Zac who nodded.

"I have to. It's time they knew," he said back.

Katana and Shinki entered the living room seconds later. They noticed Zac not looking very happy but didn't say anything about it. They sat down next to Kristina as Freddy and Bowie entered the living room supporting a still very weak and tired Mick between them.

"Where's everyone else?" Shinki asked looking for the other coven and the rest of the High Council.

"This meeting is just between our coven and me," Kristina responded. "Zac wants to tell you all something important he thinks you should know. Zac. Its all yours."

Zac nodded as Freddy sat on Akira's right and Bowie helped Mick lay down on them before he sat on Akira's left with Mick's legs laying across him. Everyone turned to Zac wondering what it was he wanted to tell them and now of all times.

"I have a secret I've been keeping from everyone," the blonde vampire finally admitted. "I have an older brother I never told any of you about."

Zac paused and glanced up at his coven. Hisfamily. They all looked back at him with only a little surprise. He chuckled.It seemed they didn't really care if he told them about his human family ornot. It was his choice to tell them or not.

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