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Here is Chapter 6. Enjoy

The next day found Akira preparing to head out to Harmony Park to see if he could find Kit and Cuza, the two new boys. He was going to start trying to get them to trust him and become friends with them so Zac could meet Kit as soon as possible and determine if he really was the boy Free was looking for. Zac had sent a request this morning to the High Council asking to speak with Kristina about the issue while Akira was out and was now waiting for a response back from her.

"I'll see you guys later," Akira called out from the front door.

"Good luck," Freddy and Katana both replied backfrom the living room where Katana and Shinki were talking quietly with Freddy.

Zac entered the living room just before Akira headed out the door. He had a piece of paper in his hand and a small confident smirk on his face.

"Kris got back to me. She's interested in the situation and does want to talk more about it. Akira be very careful on your own out there Free could be anywhere. If you see him at all you come straight home got it?"

"Got it Zac."

"Alright. I still think someone should go with you. If I'm not here when you get back I'll be at the Commons," Zac informed giving the youngest vampire in the coven a hug and sending him on his way.

"Just go Zac. He's used to some of us being gone at times we are SNP agents. He'll be fine with you being away for a few hours," Bowie chuckled as he once again prepared to head out on another solo patrol despite the danger of Free.

"I just like telling people what's going on. Andif I'll be gone for a while. Is that so wrong?"


"Thank you Freddy. At least someone understands," Zac complained.

"I just don't know why you bother when we're so used to how things are now that we don't really bother to even listen anymore."

Everyone but Zac laughed. He just sat on the couch next to Shinki with his arms crossed sulking a little. This was the price he had to pay to be so close to his coven. Them making jokes at his expense as well as their own sometimes.

"I'm heading to the Commons now. See you alllater and Bowie maybe Freddy should go with you on patrol today it still isn'tsafe going out on your own," Zac expressed with a hint of a laugh whilestepping through a portal that suddenly opened near the front door.

"I won't be gone long so there's really no need for back up. If I see Free I'll come back and report in. We'll all probably be here when you get back. Well all of us except for Mick but we all know where he is," Bowie smirked.

"You act like he's on a date and not a mission," Freddy chuckled a little.

"I wish. No I take that back. We don't need any more of that around here. We get enough of it from them," Bowie said frowning as he gestured over to Katana and Shinki.

"Someone's a little jealous," Freddy cooed.

"Shut up. Even you have an admirer in Reiko."

"She's too young and I'm not interested. At least I don't think I am," Freddy voiced out suddenly uncertain of what he felt for the young half-breed girl.

Zac glanced at Bowie as he headed over toKristina's portal with a small knowing look. Yes Bowie was a little bit jealousof Katana and Shinki just like Zac. Maybe he was feeling a little unloved and lonelytoo? Zac felt for him. That made two of them.

The coven all loved each other like brothers but that was different from the love some of them were looking for. It was different from what Katana and Shinki had found. Zac and Bowie both wanted the love that only came from a significant other. Freddy on the other hand didn't seem to be too interested in finding love at the moment. Or maybe he was just content with simply waiting for it to come to him.

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