Boa Found Out

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Here is the next chapter. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think of it. Please enjoy.

Zac, Orochi and Nightfell ran through the city at normal human speed towards the ravine. It was nine PM and there were still people out and about so they couldn't use their vampiric speed. As soon as they got to the ravine though that wouldn't be a problem and they could use their speed to get to Free's hideout within seconds and confront him.

"Free. You will pay," Zac threatened in his mind. "Youwill pay dearly."


Free took Boa down into Bowie's room with him that night once Free and the others returned from hunting in the nearby housing unit. Boa told Free of the feral screams He heard from Bowie as soon as the coven leader stepped inside the house without telling him he'd been down there with Bowie before he'd lost himself to his primal vampiric side. Wakiya said he'd heard the scream from all the way upstairs in his and Boa's room.

"So you've finally lost yourself have you," Free said as he entered the room and crouched in front of Bowie a safe distance away from him.

Bowie lunged forward quickly trying to tear at Free and get the blood he craved more than ever now. Free just chuckled he knew Bowie wouldn't, couldn't reach him but it was fun to watch him try.

"It's like he can't feel pain or weakness anymore," Boa commented as he noticed Bowie no longer had any trouble standing despite his not healing injuries.

"He can't. He's so feral now he can't feel pain or weakness. He doesn't recognize anyone anymore and I bet he doesn't even know his own name anymore either," Free told him.

"Bowie," Boa called out to test if Free was right.

Bowie didn't even react to the name. He hissed and growled and tried again to break loose and get at the warm rich and sweet blood he could smell was so close.

"See told you. He doesn't know anyone or anything anymore except that he needs and craves blood," Free laughed. "In all the vampires I've seen go feral I've only seen a few go to this level. I have a better idea then killing him now."

"What are you going to do?" Boa asked.

"When we grab that vampire Mick we're going to throw him in here and watch the one he loves rip him apart."

Boa felt so sick as Free laughed at his cruel, sick idea. It was wrong. How could Free even think of doing that? He needed to be stopped. Now.

"Free," Norman said as he came down stairs, "Two of the Super Stars are here and there is a third unknown vampire with them."

"What!" Free whirled. "How did they find us?"

"I don't know. Theodore says his barrier is still up and it hasn't weakened," Norman told him calmly.

"We'll let's go see what they want," Free growled now in a very bad mood.

"I'm sorry Bowie," Boa told him sadly beforeturning to follow Free, "I tried."


Zac stood outside Free's house with Orochi flanking him on the right and Nightfell flanking him on the left. They stared down the vampires Free had with him waiting for the leader himself to come out. Finally Free emerged from the house.

"Zac what a wonderful surprise. What are you doing here?"

"You know why I'm here. Hand Bowie over now," Zac demanded.

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