A Mission and Concerns

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Here is Chapter 5. Comment and or vote and please enjoy.

A couple of weeks passed with no sighting whatsoever of Free or his coven. His scent had been found many times around the Super Stars territory but it wasn't always fresh and Free himself was never seen. Even when the scent was fresh he was never seen. The coven wondered what had happened to him returning to destroy them. Zac however knew Free was biding his time. He was waiting to see if the Super Stars forgot about him, his coven and his threat then he'd make a move on them. Zac wouldn't let his coven forget about Free or his threat though. He'd keep them thinking about Free until the day they defeated the evil vampire.

Right now Zac was watching the news to see ifanything about Free was reported on but so far there'd only been some disappearances.Was Free behind those disappearances? There were quite a few. Maybe some ofthem were his doing.

He looked over at the other couch where Bowie was sleeping as he thought quietly to himself. Bowie had been awake non-stop for the last four days looking out for danger and needed a few hours of sleep at the moment.

Freddy and Mick were out back sparing andkeeping their abilities as strong as possible. Zac knew they were alternatingbetween physical sparing, practicing with their abilities and practicing theirbeyblading skills. Shinki and Katana were spending some time alone in Katana'sroom, the very same room Katana had turned in. Akira was out for a walk alone despiteZac saying to not go off alone as it really wasn't  safe with Free out there somewhere and Orochiwas listening to his music while leaning against the wall behind the couchBowie slept on.

Zac suddenly turned his attention back to Katana and Shinki as nothing really interesting was happening on the news. He had known for a while now that Katana and Shinki were in a relationship together. He wasn't against it. If anything he was a little bit jealous of them.

The two former Rideout members had found their significant other in each other. It made Zac and even Bowie a tiny bit jealous of them. They wanted what their two coven mates had. They wanted to find someone to love and who loved them back. Maybe someday hopefully soon and preferably after Free was defeated Zac and Bowie would find what they were both looking for.

Freddy came into the living room and sat on the couch beside Zac while Mick went to his room. Zac was pulled from his thoughts by Freddy asking Mick a question as he entered his room.

"How long do you think you'll be?"

"What's up? Finished sparring already?" Zac asked the blue haired vampire.

"Yeah. Mick just got a mission from the High Council. They sent it via eagle."

"I'm not sure but it shouldn't be more than aweek. Then I'll be back with you guys safe and sound," Mick said as he cameback into the living room.

"You gonna tell me what their sending you out for?" Zac asked Mick as Orochi removed his headphones to listen to the conversation.

Freddy handed Zac the piece of paper with Mick's mission. Mick was being ordered to locate a vampire who'd kidnapped a child. He was to remove the vampire from existence and bring the child to safety then contact the High Council so Kristina could alter her memories and erase what she knew of the supernatural world. Mick could then take her home to her parents.

"It'll be easy. I can use my earth manipulation to protect the human while I restrain the vampire who took her and take him down. Then I activate the tracker the High Council sent with the mission notice and Kristina will teleport us to the city the girl lives in and alter her memories before I get her home then I'll be back here with everyone again."

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