Attacks and a New Vampire

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Here is the next chapter. Next week's update may be a day early or a day late as I'll be really busy with things so please be patient. Now on with the chapter. Enjoy.

It was very early in the morning. Akira and Freddy had gone out as Akira really needed to hunt and Freddy had put off hunting yesterday to follow Free around while he tracked the scents he'd been tracking. The duo had gone down to the ravine, their favourite place to hunt. While Akira located an animal he had smelled once they'd gotten there, Freddy stood guard watching for any sign of danger.

Akira located a young buck with a damaged back leg. 'A predator must have gotten to him only to have him escape' the young vampire thought as he got closer. Akira went for the left side of the throat and bit down hard. It took him only a few minutes to drain the animal as he was quiet hungry.

"Akira watch out," Freddy shouted as he suddenly lunged forward.

Akira dodged the incoming attack by quickly performing a few back flips and a slight spin. He came to a stop next to Freddy facing the direction behind his coven mate before looking behind himself. Standing right where he'd been only moments ago was Free with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Two of Zac's coven mates all by themselves. How unfortunate. For you."

Free lunged forward again to strike at Akira but Freddy blocked the attack quickly with his own body. As Free made contact with him Freddy felt himself getting weaker. Why?

Akira pushed Free back with a powerful kick Katana had shown him a few days ago but Free managed to touch him too and he also felt himself weakening. Free also looked unfazed from Akira's kick. What was going on? Why wasn't he feeling anything?

"Nice kick. I felt the power of it but I'm avampire. Not only am I able to recover from your attacks quickly since I justfed but I do have my own ability," Free revealed.

"Yeah and what's that?" Akira demanded.

"Didn't Zac tell you?"

Had Zac told them? Akira couldn't remember if he had or not. He decided to ask Free anyway whether Zac had told them or not.

"I guess I can spare some time from my busy schedule to tell you if he didn't," Free smirked. "You see I can steal your energy and vampire abilities by simply touching you. Once I steal an ability I can use that ability until I steal another one. Also if I happen to not care about your ability I can leave it and just take your energy allowing me to take your energy while still giving me access to a previous ability that I find possibly more useful than yours."

"That's why we're getting so tired so easily? Why we're feeling weak," Freddy realized. "You're stealing our energy. Not good."

"All's fair in love and war," Free recited with a small chuckle.

"You don't know the meaning of love," Akira seethed. "Only war, pain and suffering."

"True. So very true," Free's smirk grew as he chuckled some more.

Free struck again. He quickly tackled Akira and kicked Freddy in the stomach. Both vampires went down. Akira then found himself pinned under Free. Free got up and pulled Akira up with him then called over his shoulder to Freddy

"You can both come with me willingly or I kill pinky here and take you back by force," Free gave Freddy the choice. "I like how you're able to manipulate the water around you. You'll be a nice addition to my coven since you'll be able to either defend and or attack."

Freddy growled and grit his teeth. He could try to escape back to the Super Stars but that would mean abandoning Akira the one he himself had turned only two years ago. By the time he got back to the others Akira could be taken or killed. Then something sprang into Freddy's mind.

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