Nightfell Released

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Here is chapter 31 for you. Comment and or vote and let me know how I'm doing. This chapter is mostly focused on Zac's brother. Please enjoy.

It was finally the day. It was a warm morning too. With a smirk and sigh of relief the man who for a long time had been known as Count Nightfell waked away from the Beigoma Penitentiary. Today he was officially a free man after eight years behind bars. He hadn't seen his brother Zac in a while but he needed to talk to his parents first before going to his brother who's current address had been given to him just today by Isaac as his brother had instructed.

Zac had waited patiently for the day his older brother would be freed from prison. He hadn't come around in a while. He was preparing for his brother's release and turning. Nightfell had agreed to turn after he saw their parents and let them know he was alright and free again and that he'd take care of Zac from here on. Nightfell wondered if his brother had dropped off his address to Isaac then left without waiting for him or if it was that woman Kris.

It took some time for Nightfell to get to his parent's house. He arrived there in the late afternoon after walking for some time. He'd chosen to walk to have some time to think. Would his parents be happy to see him? Did they know Zac was okay? Did they even know where he was? Would they be okay with losing their oldest son to whatever they'd lost their youngest to? Once outside his parents' house he was surprised to see Kristina there waiting for him. They nodded to each other in greeting.

He'd only seen her once when she'd come with Zac to meet him. He hadn't seen her since but he remembered her. He wondered why she was here but figured it was to take him to Zac when he was finished here. He also wondered how she knew where to be and when. She must have been waiting for a while since he'd walked and it had taken him a while. Or she had somehow been keeping track of him so she'd know when to arrive at this destination.

"Are they home?" Nightfell asked her.


"Time to get this over with then."

Nightfell slowly walked up to the house while Kristina held back to give them their time. Nightfell knocked on the door three times. He took a deep breath and waited. Soon enough the door opened.

"Bretton?" his mother exclaimed in shock as she saw him.

"Who's at the door Hun?" he heard his father ask.

"It's Bretton. He's free. He's come home." His mother answered back before pulling Nightfell into a hug.

Nightfell heard his father rush down the stairs all too soon his mother released him and he was pulled forward into another hug. That was a surprise. He didn't think his parents would be this happy to see him. His mother hugged him too before he asked if he could come in to talk.

Once in the living room Nightfell felt bad for what he was about to do. His parents had already lost him once before. Then they'd lost Zac and now they were about to lose him again. Both of their sons gone. He didn't want to do this to them but Zac really needed him. He knew he did and he really wanted to be there for his brother. He had to do this.

"When did you get out? How long are you staying?" his mother asked.

"First thing's first. Where is Zachary? Do you know mère?" he asked already knowing where his brother was but wanting to know if they knew.

"We last saw your brother about two years ago or so. We hadn't seen him in three years prior to that night and haven't seen him since unfortunately," His mother admitted.

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