Kit Found

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Here is the next chapter for everyone reading this. Comment and or vote and please enjoy.

As Zac, Freddy and Mick were returning from hunting a familiar face greeted them. She leaned against the banister on the front deck waiting patiently. She gave the returning coven members a warm smile.

"Amaya. We've been trying to contact you to make sure you were okay," Zac greeted glad to see the female vampire was okay and looking well. "To what do we owe the honor of this visit?"

"Is Reiko okay?" Freddy asked a little alarmed when he didn't see Amaya's daughter with her. Wait why was he thinking about her and wanting to see her so badly all of a sudden? Was it because they were friends or did he actually have some kind of stronger feelings for her then he thought he did?

"Reiko's fine Freddy. We've been in hiding from a male who's been acting quite aggressively. When we last spoke you warned me about Free. Based on his description the aggressive male is him," Amaya said calmly.

"It's good to know you're safe but why risk coming out of hiding now? Free is still out there somewhere," Zac warned her calmly.

Amaya pulled a picture out of the back pocket of her jeans and gave it to Zac. Freddy and Mick also got a look at it. The picture was of Kit Lopez. How had Amaya gotten it?

"The male half-breed is safe. He's in hiding with us. We found him cold and alone and terrified about four days ago. We brought him to safety and he broke down into tears saying his father killed his mother and is after him and his foster brother is missing. He told us everything," Amaya informed.

"You have Kit? Zac asked in relief. "He's safe?"

"He's unharmed for now. We can keep him in hiding with us if you need us to. He's scared. It took even Reiko quite a bit of effort to get him to open up to us and she's a very friendly girl. After some time though he finally opened up to us and told us his name and that he wanted to talk to you Zac. You are apparently the only one right now he truly trusts besides his missing brother."

"Freddy I'm going to go with Amaya to see Kit. You send a report to the High Council saying one of the missing boys has been found safe and tell Kristina to meet me and Amaya wherever she's hiding."

Amaya gave Freddy a piece of paper with the address of where She, Reiko and Kit were hiding. He glanced at it, nodded then headed inside to do what Zac had ordered him to.

"Got it," he said in a soft tone as Amaya looked around with a frown.

"I didn't see Bowie inside and he doesn't appear to be with you. Is he on a solo mission or inside somewhere I didn't see him?" she asked.

"No something happened and Bowie is now in Free's hands. We're trying to find where Free is hiding so we can get him back but we also have to find the boy who's still missing," Zac explained as Mick looked to the ground with eyes closed tightly trying not to cry.

"We'll deal with that later. Right now I need toget to Kit. Now," Zac insisted.


Kit was sitting in a corner of a dark room at the back of the small house Amaya led Zac to. His knees were drawn up to his chest and his head was resting on them. As Amaya and Zac got to the house they could hear crying.

Once they got to the room they saw Reiko was trying to comfort Kit who was shaking with sobs. He was afraid and grieving and alone. Zac felt for him. He was so young, only seven years old almost eight. Amaya looked like she felt for the boy as well.

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