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The walk back home was slow and silent. Gabe carried the feral but unconscious Bowie carefully in his arms due to the injuries the feral male still suffered. Nightfell carried Freddy who was also unconscious across his back and Boa was draped over Gabe's back. Kristina and Arthur had no energy left to create a portal home so the group had to walk with three unconscious vampires.

"Zac what happened to Bowie?" Gabe asked softly.

"Are you going to stick around or take off again?" Zac asked back just as softly.

"I'm sticking around. I'm going to join the fight against this Phi. You going to tell me what happened to Bowie?"

"He was abducted by Free, tortured and starved until he went feral. We just got him back and know we know there's hope for him recovering. We still have to work to achieve it," Zac said softly.

"You've been fighting Free for how many months now?" Gabe almost sounded impressed.

"We've been fighting him for too long. almost a year now. Bowie hasn't been with him the entire time. Only the last three or four months or so."

"How come?"

"Because we couldn't find the damn house Free held him in. Boa here had to lead us to it than we needed a plan to defeat Free and get Bowie back after Free abducted him. Free wasn't going to hand Bowie over to us until he was defeated."

Zac hadn't ment to sound annoyed but he was frustrated. A vampire stronger than Free had just declared War on the High Council, Freddy was injured and Bowie was not only injured but feral and close to death. Taking on Free had been bad enough now they had to deal with Phi. Zac was exhausted and he was very frustrated.

"Zachary Freddy's going to be okay. We'll get him home and get him the blood he needs to recover," Nightfell told his brother hugging him a bit.

"It's not just Freddy Nightfell. It's Bowie. Freddy will recover in no time. Bowie. Bowie's going to take a lot longer. His injuries are infected with silver and he's feral and he has blood lust too," Zac ranted in worry.

"Zac Bowie will hopefully be okay once we get him back to the house but you need to keep your voice down," Kris warned.

"Sorry," Zac whispered.

"So this is Boa?" Gabe asked gesturing to the vampire across his back, "and he's from Free's coven? He just decided he didn't like Free and switched to yours?"

Everyone in the Super Stars coven nodded. The rest of the supernaturals with them hadn't been aware something like a coven switch had occurred so they just remained silent and didn't react to the news.

"Boa left Free's coven because Free was cruel and evil and he didn't want to be with him. He was just scared of him. I gave him and Wakiya, another vampire from Free's coven shelter and a place in the Super Stars," Zac stated in a much calmer tone then the one he had previously. "Speaking of covens. Joshua's is pretty much destroyed. Only Ana, Fubuki and Suoh are left. What are you three going to do now?"

"If it's okay with you we'd like to join you and fight phi," Fubuki said.

Zac nodded his consent. The group continued their trek back home in silence for a while. Some lost in thought about their in danger future. Others like Zac and Mick worried about the problem with Bowie.

"Wakiya's joining us too hu? What about Kit? Will he be joining us too?" Mick suddenly voiced out.

"Yes," Zac stated in the same soft tone Mick had spoken with. "He has nowhere else to go. Free killed his mother. We're all he has left besides Cuza. I've already told Amaya and Reiko they are welcome to join as well. The Super Stars except all," Zac decided. "Gabe. You are as well."

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