Bowie's Feedings

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At six PM Free and the others headed out for their nightly hunt. Wakiya and Boa didn't have to go as they didn't have any abilities and Boa had to care for Bowie. Free was the last to leave for his hunt but Boa wasn't worried.

Free had been watching him closely since his gasp earlier in the day. Boa kept his cool and acted normal while Free watched and waited for whatever it was he was looking for in Boa. Before he left Free watched Boa fill the glass full of blood.

"Wakiya start closing the windows for the night," Boa called to Wakiya who was in the living room pretending to watch t.v.

Free expected the windows and back door to be looked up tight when he returned from his hunts now with Boa caring for Bowie he was glad Wakiya was there to help him with the lockup since the hunts usually only lasted an hour if that and the house was pretty large.

"Got it," Wakiya called back before going upstairs to start up there.

Free continued watching even though he wasn't finding anything out of the ordinary. Boa finished filling the glass and turned to Free.

"Something wrong?" he asked trying to sound innocent like he wasn't doing anything wrong even though he wasn't right now and he was scared of Free who was watching him so intently.

"No just making sure you're doing everything I told you too exactly as I told you to. Remember one full glass every few nights and don't linger down there. I don't think he's going to be any trouble for you anymore so it shouldn't be heard to force the blood down his throat and keep him alive."

"It hasn't been hard to do for a while now. I really don't think he's going to last much longer though," Boa mentioned.

"No he won't. I'm making preparations to get my hands on another of Zac's coven mates. Probably the one he's in love with. Once I do I'll kill him and make whoever I take next watch," Free laughed as he finally headed out the door to hunt.

A few minutes later Wakiya came down stairs after locking up the upstairs. He glanced out all the windows to make sure they were really truly alone while making it look like he was making sure they were all closed and locked. Then he followed Boa down the stairs to the last room in the basement.

"The door's open. Free never leaves it open," Boa noted handing Wakiya the glass of blood.

"Could he have escaped somehow?" Wakiya asked.

"No he's too weak and he's always chained to the pole when Free leaves."

"Maybe one of his coven mates found us and checked on him hoping for an easy rescue?" Wakiya suggested.

Boa looked around but saw no one. He smelled only Wakiya, Free, Bowie and the wolf in the room at the front of the basement besides his own scent and the very faint scents of Norman and Carlos proving they hadn't been down here in sometime. There was no one else's scent down here.

"Come on," he said quietly.

He and Wakiya slowly approached the open door. Boa glanced in first. The pole Bowie was usually attached to was where it always was but where was Bowie? Boa entered the room and looked around.

"Oh no," he whimpered as he saw Bowie laying on the floor where Free had left him.

He was on his stomach facing the pole. His eyes were closed and he was barely breathing. He was so pale and weak Boa didn't think he could have moved even if he knew the door was unlocked and open.

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