Paying Off

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Here is the 7th chapter. Please enjoy.

Akira waited patiently in the early morning sunlight by the pond in Harmony Park. He'd been waiting for about twenty minutes now for his new friends Kit and Cuza to arrive as agreed. They were going to hang out together until noon then go back to Kit's house for lunch. Akira would then get to meet Kit's mom and she'd most likely want to meet his parents soon after but would end up meeting Zac instead.

"She's in for a surprise," Akira thought to himself as he waited a little bit longer.

"Hey Akira," Kit called out as he arrived at the meeting spot with Cuza.

"Hey guys what took so long?"

"Sorry I had trouble getting Cuza out of bed. He's not really much of a morning person," Kit grinned.

"Hey I like my beauty sleep," Cuza defended.

"Man you sleep too much," Kit shot back.

"I do not and exploring takes energy. Energy Isleep to regain before our next big adventure," Cuza stated proudly.

"You two remind me of two of my brothers," Akira said with a laugh.

"You have brothers too?" Kit asked him.

"Well not really. We're all adopted. None of us are really related," Akira replied.

"That doesn't matter. Cuza got adopted but Ithink of him as my brother anyway," Kit declared. "If you think of each otheras brothers even if you're not related by blood you're brothers in my books."

"You're right. They are my brothers. You'll get to meet them hopefully soon," Akira told his friends.

"Anyway what are we going to do until lunch?" Cuza asked.

"Play hide and seek," Kit suggested. There's so many places to hide in this park and I've never played hide and seek outside before."

"Alright who's it?" Akira wondered.

"I'll be it first," Cuza offered. "Then whoever I find first gets to be it next."

"Sounds good. Oh yeah Akira I hope you're hungry cause mom's making a feast for lunch today in celebration of our first friend in Japan," Kit laughed.

"Sounds good. Let's play."

Kit and Akira scattered while Cuza counted to thirty. They ran in opposite directions. Akira hid under the bridge going over a small stream bed with a little bit of water flowing into the pond. Kit hid in a tree not far from him or Cuza on the other side of the pond.

The bridge Akira hid under was really more for show than anything else. It added to the Park's beauty and made for a very good hiding place. Cuza found Kit first and Akira second.

The three boys played Hide and Seek until justbefore noon. After their last round, in which Cuza was it again, they headed toKit's and Cuza's house for lunch. Akira knew this was his chance to get Zacnear Kit to confirm his suspicions. If he continued to play his cards right Zacwould be able to meet Kit in no time.


"Hello Akira," Kit's mom greeted as the three boys walked in. "Welcome. I hope you boys are hungry."

"You bet," Cuza exclaimed.

"Hi Miss. Lopez," Akira greeted back.

"Call me Ange. No need to be overly formal," Kit's mom said back as she set the table quickly.

Once everyone was seated around soup, sandwiches cut fruits of all kinds and cake for desert Ange asked Akira questions. She asked how he met Kit and Cuza and where he lived. The sort of questions a mother would ask her kid's friends when meeting them for the first time.

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