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Time for another chapter. Don't forget to vote and or comment and please enjoy.

It had been just over three weeks since Free had returned from Spain and Wakiya was slowly adjusting to being a vampire. Free had taken to attacking the Super Stars the same way he'd gone after Joshua and his coven as soon as he'd returned. So far the Super Stars hadn't lost a single member of their coven. Yet. Free had also made attempts to get his son into his hands but they had also failed. Thanks to Zac.

The Super Stars had been on guard constantly since Akira and Freddy had been attacked. They fed every few days, they learned self-defence and practiced it as well as their vampire abilities, more so then their blading skills now, and they watched each other's backs like a true family would.

Zac had reported the attacks from Free to the High Council and had been told of what had happened with Joshua and his coven. He'd reached out to the other coven and so far had not received any word back from them.

"They must have gone into hiding," Zac mused one day. "Free's attacked them just as aggressively as he's attacking us. If he could find them he'd probably alternate between us and them."

"And he's using vampire weaknesses on top of that," Bowie mentioned.

"They're scared. They've lost coven mates, family members, to Free. They don't want to lose any more if they can help it," Freddy added.

"Something really needs to be done about him and quickly," Zac muttered more to himself than to anyone else.

"The question is what?" Orochi wondered.

"We'll think of something," Bowie voiced out.

"Where's Akira?" Freddy asked after glancing around the room and noticing the pink haired vampire wasn't with them at the moment.

"He's hanging out with Kit and Cuza for a while," Zac told him. "having others in his life besides us would do him some good and Kit and Cuza are fellow supernaturals after all. It wouldn't be hard hanging out with them since he doesn't have to keep anything from them even if Ange isn't a supernatural."

Since the Super Stars had taken Akira in when he was still human he'd been much happier. He still found it quite difficult to open up to other people besides the Super Stars but he was getting better. He'd managed to open up a lot to Kit and Cuza about being with the Super Stars even talking about life before becoming a vampire and the reason he'd been with the coven in the first place.

A door opened in the hall leading to the bedrooms. It sounded like it was Katana and Shinki coming out of Katana's room. Since their relationship had started two years ago and Gabe had left the two were seldom apart. Most of the time they were in Katana's room but they could be seen pretty much anywhere together.

"Looks like Katana and Shinki are coming out to socialize a little," Freddy said with a chuckle.

"I swear Shinki has officially moved into Katana's room with him," Zac snickered softly still a little jealous of his two coven mates even though he had been talking with someone recently about certain things.

"Can they do anything besides make out constantly?" Bowie complained proving he was probably the most jealous of Katana and Shinki out of him and Zac.

"Freddy yes we're coming out to see what's up. Zac is there a problem with Shinki being in my room with me? Bowie we don't constantly make out you're just jealous," Katana said as he and Shinki sat on the second couch in the living room.

"A little too jealous," Shinki stated quietly before Katana pulled him against him and they shared a small kiss.

"At least we know they're alive," Zac chuckled softly. Katana and Shinki had been in Katana's room for the past three days never once coming out until now.

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