Free's Challenge

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Here is the next chapter. Please comment and or vote and enjoy.

It had been only an hour since Free had left Bowie alone with two of his coven members and Bowie was already at his wits end. Norman and Carlos had been keeping him busy alright. Busy with punches and kicks and breaking bones and he couldn't think of any ways to escape them. He couldn't even fight back against the other two vampires beating up on him.

"Had enough yet?" Carlos asked with a snicker.

"Cowards," Bowie spat out defiantly despite being hurt and weakened. "Two against one's not fair. I'm also chained to a pole with my arms behind my back. You're not."

"Not my problem," Norman said also snickering.

They continued their attack on Bowie who, at the moment, was glad he was a vampire. Even though his attackers were also vampires there was only so much even they could do to him without using any of the many vampiric weaknesses visible to everyone in the room. Free didn't want Bowie dead though and had told his subordinates that. They knew they couldn't use the weaknesses on him. For that Bowie was very grateful.

"Once Free gets back you're gonna wish it was us in this room beating you up and not him torturing you to no end," Carlos laughed.

Bowie stayed silent and took what the other two vampires dished out to him. He knew Zac was looking for him. He just had to take the beatings and torture and pain and hold on until his coven, his brothers, finally found the hideout and came for him.

"Mick I hope you're okay and recovered fully from the poisoning by now," Bowie thought in his head. "I hope you're not suffering like I am right now."

Free would eventually return to the house and came back down to Bowie's prison about two and a half hours after leaving and the beating would stop. He would make the other two vampires leave and closed the door after them.


Zac stood before the High Council at the Commons. The council had retreated here to think up some plans and strategies against Free and come up with a suitable solution to properly deal with him. They decided since there was more resources to use at the Commons they would return here for the time being. Plus it was safer for them here. For now at least. They could not chance being brought down. Joshua had found a suitable temporary place for him and his coven to stay while in Japan so Free's enemies weren't all in the same place and easier to take down.

It had been some time now since Bowie had been taken and so far no one knew where he was or if he was even still alive. Zac had now come to ask if his coven could focus on Bowie while he himself helped find the missing boys.

"Zac has Free contacted you at all yet regardingBowie?" Kristina asked.

"No and we still can't his hideout or Bowie."

"I can't find him either nor can I find Theodore. His concealing spell is strong. I will continue to attempt my location spell and hopefully we'll find them and hopefully in time to save Bowie."

"Thank you," Zac said in a sad tone. "We're still trying to find Kit and Cuza as well. We're thinking of asking Reiko and Amaya for assistance but we can't seem to locate them at the moment either."

"They sense Free's evil power and may be tryingto stay off his radar," Jin commented. "We could enlist the assistance of myformer apprentice Daigo. I know he'll be able and willing to help."

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