In the Basement

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Welcome all my wonderful readers to chapter 19. I've updated this one today instead of tomorrow because I'm going to be busy tomorrow. Comment and or Vote if you like this chapter and please enjoy.

Bowie slowly opened his eyes. He looked around the room he was trapped in to see he was still alone and still restrained to the damn pole. How much time had passed since he'd been taken by Free? He figured it must have been at least a couple days by now. There was no clock or calendar in the room so Bowie didn't know the time or day. He didn't even know if it was day or night as he couldn't see outside with no windows to look out of.

He might have been able to check the time if hewas wearing a watch. Unfortunately Bowie hadn't warn a watch since the nighthe'd become a vampire. It wouldn't have mattered anyway since he couldn't movehis arms from behind his back to check the time even if he had one and Freecould have easily taken it from him when he'd taken him if he'd had one.

At least the torture Free had promised hadn't started yet. Free had said it would probably start in a few days so either Free was bluffing about harming him, which Bowie doubted he was, or it really hadn't been very long since he'd been brought to Free's place. Bowie was really hoping Free was bluffing about torturing him. If he wasn't he sure hoped his suffering wouldn't be long and he'd either be rescued quickly or Free would decide to kill him quickly.

"Damn it. If only I could figure out if it's night or day. Or maybe I could figure out where I am. Nice work covering your bases there Free. Have to give you credit for having no windows or clock down here."

An idea suddenly came to Bowie at that very moment. His vampire ability. If he could make it look like he escaped by cloaking himself in the shadows then maybe his captors would panic and he could actually somehow escape. Why hadn't he thought to do it before?

Bowie looked around for anything close enough hecould hide under and cover himself with the many shadows currently in the dimlylit room. The pole wasn't really close to any of the tables but maybe theshadows would still cloak him enough even if he wasn't hiding behind, under ornear anything. The light was getting dimmer and barely reaching him now andthere were many shadows around and dark places to draw them from. Bowie mighteven be able to cover the lightbulb with his shadows.

He closed his eyes and concentrated silently calling the shadows to him but nothing happened. He couldn't feel the dark energy flowing through and around him. The shadows didn't move. What was going on? Why couldn't he use his vampire ability?

A low dark chuckle suddenly sounded from the door. Bowie looked over from where he sat with his back to the pole and saw the door open with Free standing there leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed. He looked quite amused. Bowie growled.

"The chains are enchanted not just for strengthbut to also prevent you from using your vampire ability. I figured you wouldtry to use it. We can't have that happening now can we?"

"How'd you know I could control the shadows?" Bowie seethed.

"Theodore told me when he sought me out. He'd seen what Zac's little coven was capable of during the battle with Lui. You should know the chains don't just prevent you from using your ability. They'd prevent any vampire trapped in them from using their ability."

"Damn," Bowie muttered as all fight left him as quickly as it came to him.

Free slowly walked over to his captive. He stopped only two feet away from him and crouched down. Free watched Bowie silently for a while then spoke.

"Have you given in to your fate yet? Have you lost all hope of rescue?"

"No," Bowie hissed out.

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