Tragedy Strikes

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It had been three days now since Joshua and his coven had come to Japan so Deborah could help Mick. Three days since both covens and the High Council made introductions with each other and talk of brining Free down began. Zac stood outside on the front deck lost in thought.

The first thing he thought about was Mick. Mick was still in rough shape but he was starting to get better. His temperature was still going up and down a little and he was still very tired but he wasn't shaking or suffering as badly anymore. He was also drinking a little more blood now than he had been before and was managing to hold it down easier than he could before. Zac was relieved to see Mick recovering from his poisoning.

His second thought was of the Lopez family. Zac had been trying for the past three days now to reach them with no success. The High Council wanted, needed to talk to Ange. They needed to know what she knew of Free and the Supernatural world. They wanted to know how the family was doing and if they were safe. Zac hadn't been able to reach them though. Why?

"Maybe I should have checked on them after Mick got poisoned? I didn't think to do that though. Something, anything could have happened to them in these last few days? I really hope they're okay."

The third thought Zac had was about how they were going to defeat Free. Yes they were many but Free was powerful. He could steal everyone's energy and add it to his own. He could also steal the abilities of other vampires through the same method as stealing their energy. Touch also wasn't hard to do with Free's strength and speed.

There was also the fact Theodore Glass wasworking with him. It wasn't a surprise. Theodore was a bad person naturally. Hewas controlling and manipulative. He'd been the one to make the Lui situationtwo years ago a bigger problem than it should have been. Some of the group werecertain Theodore was really the real threat, the real mastermind behind his andFree's plan to remove the current High Council. Free was simply his method ofdoing so. They just knew it. Theodore was using Free.

Zac on the other hand knew Free all too well. He was certain Free was the bigger threat. Free was the true mastermind behind removing the High Council. He was the one using Theodore not the other way around.

Zac's final thought was on something else unrelated to the current situation. Something he hadn't thought about since he'd been turned by Free seven years ago. His older brother. Zac's brother was born only a year before Zac was. He was known everywhere around the world as Count Nightfell. He was as strong a blader as Zac was. He was human though and Zac was now a vampire who couldn't interact with his human family.

Count Nightfell didn't know Zac was a vampire. He didn't know Zac no longer lived at home. Eight years ago Nightfell went to prison for killing a young woman. Zac didn't know if his brother had really killed the woman. He hadn't seen him since he'd been turned and he'd never thought to ask him during the few times he'd visited him before turning. Now he wasn't supposed to be interacting with his human family anymore. Still Zac thought about his brother even now.

"I need to see him again, talk to him," Zac decided. "What if he won't talk to me though? It's been so long since we last saw each other. No he's my brother and I need to do this."

Zac wondered what the High Council would say if he turned his brother. Would Nightfell agree to turn? Would he survive it? Zac hoped so but he'd have to ask his brother. First things first he needed to inform the High Council of his intentions to talk to the brother no one knew he had. Afterwards he would see about maybe turning him.

Before going back into the house Zac dialed AngeLopez's number again for the eleventh or twelfth time in the past few days.Once again he got no answer. Frustrated he hung up his phone and walked insidethe house to locate Kristina and tell her about his plan involving his brother.

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