Plans & Immense Pain

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Here's the next chapter for you. Warning: the middle part right after the first line break has torture in it you can skip this part if you'd like. Don't forget to comment and or vote and please enjoy.

Zac sat on the edge of Nightfell's bed soaking the cloths every once in a while and placing them back on his brother's forehead and wrists to cool him down. It was almost eight in the morning now almost at the halfway mark of Nightfell's turning and in a little over fifteen minutes once Nightfell woke up himself or Zac woke him he'd need to give Nightfell his second dose of blood. He hoped after he drank he'd start doing better.

As eight AM drew closer Nightfell slowly started waking up. He moaned weakly and tried to move but he was just too weak and pained. His eyes opened and he weakly reached out to however was with him as the pain continued to steadily worsen.


"I'm here. Just relax. The pain's going to get worse in a little while then you're going to drink and it's going to start slowly going away."

At exactly eight O'clock six minutes after Zac's warning the pain reached its peak and Nightfell screamed. Zac sliced his wrist with a nail withing seconds and lifted his brother's head before placing the wound to Nightfell's lips. Nightfell drank hungrily. He drank more than when he'd had to drink to start the change.

"Slow down so you don't choke. I can't lose you," Zac softly said with a chuckle and smile.

Nightfell drank for several minutes. He craved the relief Zac's blood gave him as it went down his throat. His thirst wasn't as strong now and he felt a little better, a little stronger. He was still tired though and after finally releasing his brother's wrist Nightfell fell asleep despite the pain still being severe.

"There we go. Now it won't be so bad. Just another thirty-six hours to go and you'll be a full-fledged vampire and part of the coven," Zac whispered as he watched his brother sleep.

Freddy and Mick entered the room just as Nightfell fell asleep. Freddy went to stand next to the bed while Mick stayed by the door.

"The change is halfway done," Freddy said in a soft relieved tone.

"Yes. Soon we can all get back to the situation at hand," Zac said back as Mick left the room still hurt by the realization Orochi made him realize.

Mick went to Bowie's room and shut the door before sitting on the bed's edge. It wasn't the fact a new vampire was joining the coven that had upset him. It was the fact everyone else except for him and Orochi were focusing on him, on Nightfell, instead of focusing on finding Bowie. It was the fact Mick knew Bowie was probably suffering greatly at the hands of Free, if he was still alive at this point, and only he and Orochi seemed to realize that and were trying to find him right now.

"Zac's just worried for his brother and wants to make sure he survives and Freddy's helping out with that but they're still worried about you," Mick told himself as if he was speaking to Bowie himself. "Once Nightfell's through the change they'll focus on you again and I'm sure Nightfell can and will help us find you."

What about the rest of the coven though. Nightfell didn't need everyone crowding around him just a couple of them. Akira checked in on him a lot instead of looking for Bowie. Shinki and Katana were interested in the newcomer and were trying to help him get better and often spoke about him instead of looking for Bowie. Only Mick and Orochi were actively searching for their missing coven member.

"It's not fair," Mick started crying. "Bowie needs us too."

Mick didn't hate Nightfell. The guy had even reached out to him when he'd first arrived and before his turning started. He knew someone was missing. He didn't know that everyone was focusing on him instead of Bowie. It wasn't his fault Bowie was missing either. Why was Mick so mad at him right now?

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