Betraying Free

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Here's the next chapter for you. Vote and or comment if you like and please enjoy.

Bowie had been being isolated since Free had fed him, chained back up to the pole and left him here three days ago. He hadn't seen or really heard anyone in those three days. He was so weak and so tired. His throat burned so very badly for the blood Free had been denying him. He needed more, wanted more but he wasn't getting it. He growled and hissed now if and when he smelled blood but it never came to him.

Finally Boa came to him with a glass of blood. As soon as the young vampire entered the room with the blood Bowie growled but was too weak to try and lunge plus he was once again chained up. Boa waited a little for Bowie to calm down.

"Bowie calm down. It's Boa. I've got somethingfor you but you have to stay put and not lunge for it okay."

Bowiewhimpered and weakly cried out for the blood he could smell. Boa put the glasson the small table and knelt next to the suffering vampire he'd befriended soeasily.

"He chained you up again," Boa noted. "Looks like I'll have to find a way to get that damn key after all."

Bowie whimpered again for blood. Boa quickly grabbed the glass and put it to his lips so he could drink. He drained it in less than a minute.

"I can't stay long Bowie. Free will get mad if I do. I can't stay with you as long as I had been before anymore. He doesn't like that. Listen I'm going to try to find your coven tonight. I'm going to tell them you're alive and they need to come for you quickly."


"Yeah I'm going to tell them where you are,"Something struck Boa then. Bowie had bloodlust. "I gotta tell them you havebloodlust so they can try and help you more when they come. Hang on okay. I'llmake sure I'm back before Free finds out what I'm doing."


"I know I can't right now Free will know I'm trying to help you then I won't be able to anymore and I won't be able to find your coven. As soon as I get back tonight I'm going to find a way to get that damn key for your chains."


"Yeah. Free has a key around his neck and I'm certain it's for these chains if I can get it I can get them off you. Or I can give it to your coven and they can just come in and take you."


"Shh. Quiet now. I'm going to find them for you. I'll warn them of your condition then I'll get that key."


"Mick? You want me to find Mick for you? I can try but if I run into any of your coven mates I'll tell them. I'll see about finding Mick. The sooner any of them knows about you though the better."

Bowie nodded weakly. The blood Boa gave him wasn't enough to stop his constant thirst but it brought him to his senses a little. He felt Boa wrap his arms around him before he stood up.


"Who's that Bowie?" Boa asked from the door though he assumed it was Mick being described to him.


Boa nodded and left the room. As everyone wentout to hunt for the night Boa barely nodded once to Wakiya who nodded back thesame way. If Boa needed him to Wakiya would provide a distraction so Boa couldslip away and find Bowie's coven.

Supernatural: Hope in the DarknessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora