Real Feelings Revealed

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Here's chapter 27 for you. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Please enjoy.

Over the next few weeks Zac and the other Super Stars visited Kit who Amaya had quickly and willingly taken in and protected. They hoped their presence would allow him to not be so afraid since he was currently alone with his mother killed and his adopted brother missing, possibly killed.

On top of helping Kit recover from his horrible experience Zac kept the boy informed of the search for Cuza. He was almost certain Cuza was in his monkey form hiding somewhere in or around the city if he wasn't already dead. He was surprised no one had found him yet though or that no one had thought to report a loose monkey anywhere in the city or a young child, if Cuza was in his human form, out on his own. Was Cuza really that good at staying hidden or was he just so afraid he couldn't bring himself to leave whatever safe hiding place he'd found? Or had he been killed by Free?

Even though Zac had permission for his coven and now himself to focus on finding Bowie he left Bowie to the rest of his coven and continued his desperate search for Cuza. Kit had asked him to find his brother after all and Zac had promised him he would. He wouldn't let the young boy down. Not again. Not a second time. The others could focus on Bowie without him for a while longer until Cuza was found and he and Kit were reunited once again.

"Zac you're going to continue looking for my brother right?" Kit asked in a small voice.


"Even though your brother is also missing?" Kit continued looking down.

Kit knew Bowie was missing. Zac had told him when they'd been talking about their brothers and brothers in general. Kit had asked about Bowie and why he hadn't come to see him yet. Even when he'd met all the others Bowie hadn't been around at all. Everyone else had all come to see him many times now but still no Bowie. Zac had to tell him why that was so.

"Kit look at me," Zac told him lifting the boy's head up and locking eyes with him. "Bowie has the rest of the coven looking for him right now. Cuza has a lot of people looking for him too but he's a shifter not a vampire like Bowie. He can be harmed or killed easier than Bowie can. He's my main priority right now."

"But the rest of the coven is here right now and not out looking for him," Kit noted.

"Everyone was out earlier looking and we'll all be out again tomorrow looking," Zac promised. "They'll both be found. I won't let you down again."

Kit nodded, hugged Zac and thanked him softly. Zac hugged the boy back. He felt protective of the boy who'd lost his mother and whose adopted brother may or may not be alive. Free would not get his hands on Kit Zac decided. He just hoped this decision didn't cost him one of his own brothers.

From the porch of the secluded little house away from the city Zac saw Katana and Shinki laying in the grass in each other's company. He saw Orochi leaning against the outside of the porch quietly talking to Amaya who leaned on the opposite side. Mick leaned against a tree nearby fingering Bowie's SNP id again.

"Mick," Zac whispered worriedly to himself.

Akira walked up to talk with Kit for a while, who he was quite fond of. Zac chuckled as he watched the two talk and Akira offer comfort to Kit. Over be a little pond on the property Zac saw Freddy sitting with Amaya's young daughter Reiko.

Reiko was quite fond of Freddy Zac noticed and vice versa. She snuggled into him as they talked and he had an arm wrapped around her almost protectively. Freddy and the young half human half vampire girl now had Zac's full attention. They had Amaya's too now as she glanced at them.

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