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Enjoy this next chapter. In a few more chapters or so this story is going to start getting darker.

Zac stood alone before the still six members of the High Council. He had left the rest of the coven at the house to look after Mick who was still not doing very well. Even though he'd been poisoned only the night before Zac thought he would be a little better this morning but he remained the same as when they'd found him.

"Zac explain to us the situation that occurred last night," Kristina said softly.

"Last night the entire coven went out hunting together. In case Mick arrived home before we got back I left a note for him to either join us or wait for us to return we'd be back in a couple hours or so. Mick didn't join us and we returned to the house in only an hour and a half. The door was locked and the lights were off so I assumed Mick had fallen asleep."

"What made you think he was even at the house?"Trad asked.

"He said he was on his way home shortly before we left to hunt. He should have been home before the rest of us if he didn't join us," Zac said sending a glare Trad's way.

"Continue," Kristina stood in front of Zac with a soft caring expression.

"I knew for sure Mick should have arrived back home before us by even just a few minutes so we thought since he had a tough mission he'd probably be asleep. Once I turned the lights on though Freddy cried out in alarm," Zac closed his eyes fighting back strong emotions of guilt as his voice grew quieter.

"Freddy saw Mick before anyone else? Where washe? What condition was he in?" Kristina asked quietly.

Kristina knew Zac cared a lot for his coven mates. They were all family to him. The situation with Mick right now was hurting him greatly. It was killing him inside to see one of his brothers suffering and possibly dying slowly while he watched almost powerless to help.

"He was laying on his right side facing the door shaking and his eyes were closed. One arm was around him while the other was resting beside him on the floor. He didn't seem to be conscious but then Bowie reached him and shook him a little calling to him. His eyes opened weakly and he whispered out Bowie's name then his eyes closed again. The rest of the coven gathered around him as Bowie shook him gently and again called out to him. That's when I asked him what happened."

"And did he tell you?"

Zac turned to one of the newest High Council members. Rickson Clay. He was Kurt's replacement after he died battling Lui. Rickson had tanned skin, dark blue eyes and dark blue hair in a unique hairstyle. The style looked like nine buns with equal space between them around his head. He had one gold hoop earring in each ear.

"Mick said Free had poisoned him. With diamond dust,"Zac's eyes closed tightly as his emotions once again threatened to overwhelmhim and his voice again got quiet though he tried to keep it strong and clear.

"How can we be sure it was Free though? Is it possible Mick could be wrong?" Silas inquired.

"I'm certain it was Free. By the time we found Mick he was alone. I can tell you that the door was locked when we left and it was locked when we arrived. Free's scent was all over him and around the area he was found in."

There was silence after Zac spoke. Everyone was thinking about how Free could have gotten into the house and Zac was about to tell them. He knew something he'd almost forgot to mention due to his worry for Mick.

"Mick said Free had been waiting for him when hegot home. I wonder if Free was waiting for him outside and forced Mick to openthe door for him. Or if he used the spare key to let himself in and wait."

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