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Here is the last chapter of the story. Unfortunatly. Comment and or vote and enjoy. Please and thank you.

The last months of the year came and went quickly for everyone. Bowie had begun his treatment to recover from his blood lustful, feral side and what Free had done to him a little more than a week or so after being rescued. Phi easily took the survivors of Free's coven into his own and began training them for his own benefit. Zac and his coven as well as the Beasts Pack and the High Council awaited the day the real war, the one between them and Phi, really got started. Lui and Free were mere child's play compared to Phi.

So far only a few test fights had happened between the two sides. Phi wasn't serious in any of them he was simply testing what Zac and his army were capable of and how far they would, or could, all go for their cause. Zac and his army had so far proved they would go all the way to stop Phi and his coven. They would risk their very lives if it ment stopping him. But how long would that last?

Zac's whole coven practiced their abilities and learned how to fight in hand to hand combat as well as using weapons. Trad taught them everything as Xavier had been confirmed killed in the battle with Free. Clio did research whenever he wasn't busy hunting, training, being part of the council and doing research on Boa's condition while pretending to research bloodlust and how to help Bowie, something he already kind of knew, to learn what they could about Phi and who he had with him. It wasn't easy and they still had plenty of research left to do but they were determined to learn as much as they could about their enemy hopefully before the war truly started.

The only one who didn't really focus on the war preparations besides Mick, who was constantly trying to help Bowie pull through his ordeal, and Bowie, who was recovering from his ordeal, was Boa. He was still unconscious. There were no signs what so ever of him waking up any time soon. Not even a little tiny one.

Clio said Boa would wake up again once he was recovered enough to do so but no one knew when that would be or what was really wrong with him. Boa didn't seem to be in any danger of dying. He was stable. He was just weak and tired and not waking up. His condition seemed to have been caused from something about his newly gained ability but it wasn't yet known what that something was unlike Bowie's condition which was caused by Free torturing and starving him.

Mick did sometimes prepare for the upcoming war with Phi. He tried to hunt every three days with everyone, he spared a little bit to keep his ability as strong as it could be, but his main focus wasn't on the upcoming war. It was on Bowie and his recovery. Mick remained hopeful Bowie would recover and regain himself even though it had been at least a few months now since his rescue and so far no real progress had really been made yet.

Zac remained hopeful too. He wanted Bowie, the first vampire he'd ever turned, to live and remain with them for as long as the coven lived. Zac loved his whole coven dearly. To lose even one of them was devastating to him. He was a very warm and caring vampire. He loved everyone except mean, evil people like Phi, Lui and Free. He hated those kinds of people.

Not only did Bowie's coven remain hopeful for his recovery but the Beasts pack and the High Council remained hopeful as well. No one wanted him to suffer from or succumb to his condition. No one, not even the High Council, wanted to be the one to put him down if came to that. He had fought so hard to live. He'd fought so hard to not lose to his feral side. He'd fought to keep his bloodlust in check. And so far he'd lost those two fights. His last fight the one he was fighting now was for his very life. Could he win it? Could he fight to regain himself and live?

No matter what happened now though everyone would feel a little better knowing they did everything they could. Whether it was saving Bowie and or Boa or beating Phi. Whatever happened now they'd put in every bit of effort to get the best result they possibly could, hopefully the preferred result.

Through helping each other they would get through this. They would be there for each other. They would be there for Zac, who was co-leading the war effort against Phi with Kris. They would be there for Mick, who struggled with what was going on with Bowie. They would be there for Boa, who remained in a very deep sleep no matter what was done to wake him. The whole group, from the coven themselves to the Beasts pack and its newest member to the High Council, would be there when Zac, when Mick, when Boa, or when anyone else needed them. They were each other's hope during these difficult times they currently lived in.

In a time and world of darkness hope was a necessity. Hope was a gift anyone and everyone could give. Hope was a must to keep on living. Hope was what they needed the most of right now. It was what they found sticking together and helping each other like a real family would do. It was what got them this far against everything they'd been through so far. It was what got them through the past year. It got them through Lui, and Free and now it would get them through Phi too.

Hope was what Bowie needed to get through his frightening and painful ordeal. Hope was what Mick needed to help him stay strong and assist Bowie. Hope was what Zac needed to help him stay strong mentally and physically to lead the team through the coming darkness. Hope was what they all needed.

There is a light at the end of every tunnel. If one goes far enough, long enough. If one stays strong and never gives up. One will find that light at the end of their long, dark tunnel.

In a time, a world, full of darkness hope was a constant friend. Hope was a constant reassurance. Hope was a remedy for anything and everything. Hope lives in troubled times. Hope survives. It keeps us going. Keeps us strong.

Zac's hope lit the way to a much needed victory against a powerful enemy. Mick's hope lit Bowie's way through his own dark tiring tunnel of darkness. Everyone's hope lit the way through a dark storm of pain, exhaustion and fear and brought forward a new era and awoke an ally who would be the cause of the defeat of a great and terrible threat to the supernatural world.

Hope would defeat the darkness and bring light back into a world almost devoid of it. In the supernatural world only one thing was needed to get one through a long and terrible storm of darkness.

Hope. There is hope in the darkness.

No matter what is faced hope will live on. Hopebrings people together. Hope means love. Love is what matters. Love born fromhope in the darkness.

That's it for this story. So Bowie got rescued and is back with his coven recovering. Free is gone and Phi is the new threat. What will happen now? Will Bowie be okay? Will Phi be defeated? Find out in the next installment of the Supernatural series. Supernatural A truth revealed. Thanks for reading. See you in the next story.

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