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Here is chapter 47. Please enjoy and Comment and or vote if you like.

"You're just in time to help us finish this," Kristina said calmly to the new voice.

Everyone turned in the direction she was facing. There stood a young looking sorcerer with short blonde hair and violet eyes. He wore a black suit with blue trim and a green bow tie. He also had black shoes on his feet, white gloves on his hands and a black top hat on his head. In one hand was a brown and gold cane.

"This is Arthur Lawrence. The sorcerer I've been trying to contact for quite a while now," Kristina introduced.

"I tried to get here as soon as I got your summon. I take it this is the sorcerer whose gone rouge?" Arthur asked looking directly at Theodore.

"Yes. He's not playing nice and is no longer on the council. He's proven he cannot be trusted," Kristina confirmed.

"I will put an end to that."

Arthur powered up his strongest spell. Theodore tried to counter but Arthur cast a quick disruption spell and stopped what Theodore was going to do. Then the younger sorcerer slowly walked forward. He put his right arm out in front of him and at point blank range hit Theodore with an energy beam.

Theodore was disintegrated quickly. Nothing of him remained. Then Arthur turned the same spell on Free. Free dodged it and while Arthur was charging up for a third shot Zac gathered up all the electricity around the house Free had been using and using all that stored electric energy, along with the electricity he still had stored up inside, he hit Free with the strongest electric blast he'd ever unleashed in his whole six years of having his electric ability.

Free screamed in agony as the electric current shot through his whole body. He collapsed to the ground steaming and sparking. Paralyzed from Zac's powerful attack. Free struggled to get to his feet but Arthur hit him with his energy beam spell. The attack sent Free crashing back to the ground. He was alive but he was for sure defeated now. He needed to feed if he was to recover from the wounds he'd just been dealt. But first he had to somehow get away from his enemies.

"This isn't over. You defeated me today but I'll be back," Free growled out as Zac and the new sorcerer of the High Council approached him slowly trying to box him in.

"I think you're pretty good and done," a soft familiar male voice said.

"Gabe," Katana and Shinki called out in joy.

Gabe had arrived. He glanced at Zac and the others gathered then at Free on the ground. He shook his head at Free.

"So you're the one who turned Lui into a vampire? Thanks for that. He turned me saving my life but he went mad with bloodlust and had to be put down. I'm pretty sure that's where you're going now too," Gabe told Free.

"I might take you with me," Free said back with a growl realizing he wasn't going to be able to escape.

Gabe rolled Free over with his boot then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him hard against a nearby tree back first. Then he locked eyes with the very creature who'd been responsible for Lui's downfall.

"Surrender," Gabe said firmly calmly locking eyes with Free.

"I surrender," Free responded in a monotone voice as he stared straight ahead unblinkingly.

Just then someone tackled Gabe. It was Norman trying to free his coven leader. Gabe threw Norman off of him. Than shoved him over a bank in the ravine where two piles of dust lay. Xavier and Django.

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