New years eve

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"You know what your new year resolution is gonna be yet kid? Maybe stop having an affair with your teacher? Or...carbs?"

After the relaxing and enjoyable Christmas Caitlin, The Weasley's, Remus and Kingsley had together, they decided to go back and spend new year's eve at Hogwarts. Getting drunk and being hungover the next morning was what New year's was all about, but for Caitlin, it was because she wanted her first kiss of the year to be with him. She had been thinking about it ever since boxing day had passed and the buzz of Christmas drifted out of view. She wasn't sure how just yet, but she new that was how she wanted to start the new beginning, with his lips on hers.

"Ha ha, it might just be to spend less time with you" she mocked.

"You wouldn't dare, I am your favourite...and not to mention only...uncle!" Sirius feigned shock, dramatically gripping his chest in forced hurt.

"Did you do anything this Christmas?" she asked oblivious to the stupidity of her question.

"Your not serious?" he laughed.

"'s you, god it is true what they say, Azkaban really does makes a person go loopy" she grinned, only to receive an eye roll in response, "Okay, maybe it was a bit of a stupid question, but what did you do Christmas day then"

"Nothing" he replied coldly.

"Well I think we should celebrate the end of the year properly then, what do you think?" she beamed mischievously, reaching into her bag and pulling out a bottle of fire whiskey, capturing the glow in his eyes lighting up just like they did when he was younger.

"Your much too young to be drinking that, why don't I take it off your hands" he slowly reached out an arm only for it to be smacked away by a teasing hand as she wagged her finger in his face.

"Now now, where are those canine-like characteristics gone, stayy" she mocked, pointing a finger at him with a stern look.

"Oh you are so dead" he laughed, leaping forward and diving on her, trying to pry the bottle of golden liquid out of her hands as she let peels of laughter tumble from her mouth.

"Get off me you smell like shit!" she shouted, still laughing hysterically with tears running down her face as she attempted effortlessly to kick him away but with no luck.

"Oh I know, and doesn't it smell wonderful" he boomed, shaking his long and tangled hair in her face, a wide grin etched onto his lips at the sound leaving hers.

"Right! Okay...take it!" she now held her stomach with both hands as she tried to catch her breath, still chuckling as he scurried away from her to retrieve the bottle she had slung to the side.

"Happy New year love" he cheered, raising the bottle in the air with a wink before bringing it to his chapped lips and taking a large swig. It was as if she could see the molten liquid passing through his body, she could see the sensation it caused when it ran down his throat as his eyes subconsciously close and he let out a euphoric sound.

"Been a while Black?" she chuckled.

"You have no idea" he mumbled back, downing the rest rather quickly.

This then made her think, he had been locked up for 12 year...12 YEARS. The fact that he is still somewhat sane was a miracle. Not being able to communicate with anyone, barely eating, surrounded by dementors day in day out, it must have been torture.

"How did you do it?" she whispered, looking down at the moth bitten bed sheet and nervously playing with a fraying piece of string hanging off it.

"Do what?"

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