Bottled up

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"How you feeling pup?"

"For the last time Pads...I feel fine" She huffed, breaking off a piece of chocolate and plopping it in her mouth. This weeks one was mint cream, she liked a lot better then the chilli one the week before, she thought Remus was just trying to wind her up with that one.

"I know I'm pestering but you've been quiet...too quiet" he sighed, dropping his paper down and leaning against the table.

"I am 6 months pregnant...and eating chocolate, Believe me dear Uncle...I'm peaking" Caitlin laughed as Liv joined and Sirius pulled a confused face.

"Peaking? What the bloody hell does that mean?" He scoffed as the two rolled their eyes.

"God you really are an old man" Liv teased as he gripped her leg playfully under the table and she let out a small squeal, "D-did I say old? I Meant very mistake" she stuttered as he nodded agreeingly with a smirk.

Most of her close friends had tried cheering her up once Remus left. Molly kept sending her pans of food that would knock her sick so she's give them to Sirius, Tonks would morph into different animals and cause Caitlin to shoot water out of her nose at meetings, Kingsley would come keep her company when Liv and Sirius were out in dates, now that they could, and the Twins would drag her out to their new joke shop every weekend.

She appreciated everyone one of them, but she felt fine. She had no ache in her chest. She hadn't shed any tears. She laughed, and chatted and was herself.

It made everyone else increasingly anxious.

So much that one day, Sirius pulled the big guns out.

"Oh wow princess... look, It's the happiest man alive" Caitlin whispered in awe to her stomach as she watched Snape walk through the Order's kitchen with a bored look on his face.

"Very funny" he drawled.

"Hey" She laughed, standing up with a slight groan at her now quite balloon sized belly, and walked round the table to place a kiss on his cheek, "what you doing here?"

"I have been informed that-" he locked eyes with Sirius at the kitchen table who shook his head rapidly behind her with wide eyes, ", that you aren't doing practical anymore for your Auror work, so I decided to help you with your theory"

"You just decided to help me?" Caitlin's laughed suspiciously, "what? Out of the goodness of your heart?"

"Yep" he nodded awkwardly as the other two filtered out of the room, "shall we?"

He gestured towards the table, taking a seat across from her, as her eyes remained permanently narrowed whilst watching his movements.

"So what exactly has Moody got you doing?" He questioned, dragging the paper in front of her to his side of the table with one finger and rolling his eyes, "of course...the unforgivables, as if you didn't learn them in fifth year"

"What's the catch?" She asked slowly, her eyes still narrowed as she rested her hand on her chin and surveyed him suspiciously, watching as he ignored her and continued reading her work.

"Your hand writing is atrocious" he remarked, causing her to flicker with a slight twang of sadness, remembering when Remus said that too.

His messy waves, and scars perched against his skin so beautifully as she looked up at him from his lap.

Quickly brushing it off she continued pushing the greasy haired man.


"There is no catch child...I had no work to do, So I decided to come here" he shrugged as she let out an eye roll at his obvious lie.

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