Come back to me soon

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"Molly love, it is really not a problem, we have plenty of room for you all" Sirius smiled gently at the shaken up woman who was holding her cup of tea tightly.

"Thankyou dear, you are too kind" she forced a smile, and placed a kiss on his cheek before he sat down in his usual seat.

Most of the children were in the living room, but now Fred and George were of age they didn't exactly associate themselves with the others anymore.

Instead they sat across from their parents, a glass of butter beer in hand with very stressed looks in their faces as the table remained silent.

"I heard what happened...everyone okay?" Kingsley came in with a panicked look, scanning the room and sending Mr and Mrs Weasley an apologetic look.

"We are fine dear" Molly sighed, "Thankyou"

Kingsley remained at the door, his brows furrowed as he looked over the table and his eyes fell on Sirius.

"Where are they?" He mumbled as the man shook his head with an eye roll and pointed up stairs.

"She's ripping him a new arsehole" He chuckled bitterly as Molly swatted his arm in disgust.

"She really shouldn't blame him for goodness sake, it wasn't his fault" the woman hissed with stern eyes as Sirius dropped his head like a scolded child.

"Actually Molly..." Liv mumbled with a sad look, "This time...I think it is"

"Will you stop screaming at me! I know I messed up!!" Remus shouted, spinning round on the spot with flaming eyes to face her.

"I'll scream at you however long I want!!" She shouted back, her face bright red and anger filled, "You could have gotten yourself killed!!! And for what??? Revenge?"

"YES" He boomed, flinging his arms in the air with raised eyebrows, "Revenge! Anger! Fucking sadness! You name it... it's not as if the cow didn't deserve it!!"

"But the Weasley's didn't Remus!!!" She snapped, "they lost their go damn home because you decided to go on a suicide mission!!"

"And you followed!! What does that say about you?!?" He scoffed, his voice still raised and filled to the brim with aggression.

"It says I'm a fucking Idiot! It says I'm married to a fucking idiot too!!"

"Yep" Remus spat, his lips curled into a slight sneer as she shook her head at him in disbelief.

"What the hell were you thinking!?!" She yelled once more as he let out an exhausted groan and ran his hands through his hair.

"I was thinking....that I want to kill the bitch WHO KILLED MY CHILDREN!!!" He screamed, pointing his hand to the door as his blood boiled.

"And yourself along with her!!!" Caitlin added in desperation.

"So fucking what!?!" He screamed causing her to falter slightly as his lack of care.

"You do realise you still have another child" she spoke in a low and cold voice, "you do realise you still have a FUCKING WIFE!!!"

"And look how well that's going" he scoffed, turning his back from her with a roll of his eyes

"You're a prick" she spat in disgust, attempting to leave their bedroom before he grabbed her wrist tightly and span her around.

"Say that again" he growled in a low and demanding voice, his eyes like flames, baring down on her, a side she had never seen before, a side she really didn't like.

"Remus..." she said slowly, "get...the me"

"" he repeated in the same tone as her, his body pushing into her as she backed up, his hot breath against her cheek as her back hit the door.

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