Plea Deal

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After the court hearing, we head to Laurel's apartment. Lance knocks on the door and Laurel opens it a few seconds later. She looks at her dad then at me.

"So the rumors are true..." Laurel shakes her head looking at me.

"And before you start yelling-." Laurel adds as Lance paces around the apartment.

"Why would I yell? You're only defending the man that killed your sister." Lance growls angrily.

"Oliver did not kill Sara!" Laurel protests.

"If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have been on that boat." Lance argues.

"Have you considered the possibility that that's the reason you're trying to make him out to be this menace?" Laurel offers.

"No, it's the video tape, it is the suspicious timing that is the reason!" Lance yells.

"I'll let you two work out whatever-." I say as I slowly back out the door.

"Rieka, get your ass back over here now!" Lance growls in a warning tone and even Laurel looks shocked at her father.

"And this is Oliver Queen we are talking about. He wrecks fancy cars and he dates models. He doesn't kill people. It would be different if we were talking about Rieka, but this is Oliver you've arrested. No offense Rieka." Laurel stresses.

"Valid." I shrug and nod my head.

"No, he just uses them like he used Sara and like he used you and he's only asked you to be his lawyer to get at me." Lance states.

"No, he asked me to be his lawyer to get through to you. You hate The Hood and you hate Oliver and you want more than anything for them to be the same person. But Oliver isn't the reason why Sara died. Or the reason mom left." Laurel argues.

"I don't have to listen to this." Lance growls and heads for the door and I follow him not wanting to argue.

"By the're not the only one who misses them." Laurel adds and we leave.

The car ride is quiet but I'm not complaining. We get back to his apartment and he heads to bed. I go and sit on the couch and end up falling asleep. I wake up in a cold sweat and my throat sore.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Lance asks out of breath holding his gun.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I state as I rub my eyes.

"Rieka, something is going on. You need to tell me." Lance pushes but I shake my head.

"Look, I-I already told you, I have bad dreams sometimes." I continue to lie and he clearly isn't buying it.

He sighs and puts his gun away again. He looks over at me then at the clock.

"Fine, but we need to get ready for work, Queen is coming in with my daughter today to discuss a plea deal." He sighs and goes back to his room.

I get up and get dressed. Lance gets ready and we head off to work. We head into an interview room and I sit next to Lance in a spinning chair. I spin in it and look up at the ceiling and can't help but laugh.

"What is she doing in here?" I hear a lady's voice ask and I stop the chair and try to regain my visual focus.

"She's under my supervision." Lance answers and rolls his eyes at me and my antics.

The door opens and Laurel and Oliver come walking in.

"Thank you both for coming." The lady says.

"No, thank you. It's nice to get out of the house." Oliver states as he takes a seat next to me and Lance slides my chair over on the other side so he is between Oliver and I.

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