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Rieka's POV:
I sit in the pit with Ras after a long training session where both of us ended up with quite bad wounds. I rest my head against the stone and close my eyes, pretending I'm on vacation somewhere, instead of Nanda Parbat.

"Oliver Queen is still alive. Somehow Ta-er al-Sahfer's killer still yet breathes." Nyssa storms into the room, ruining my pretend mind vacation.

"Yes, I know. He has returned to Starling City, apparently." Ras states calmly as he gets out of the pit and gets dressed.

"Why did you not tell me? I had a right to know that justice has not been done." Nyssa asks clearly angry.

"Because Oliver Queen did not murder Ta-er Al-Sahfer." Ras states just as calm as before.

"Do you not believe his own confession because you doubt his motives? Or because you don't approve of my grief?" Nyssa asks and I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"Sara was your beloved." Ras states.

"And you've never approved." She counters.

"I knew Sara would leave us, leave way or the other. I didn't approve of the love that I knew would only end in heartbreak." Ras answers.

"Whether Queen killed Sara or not...he challenged you, he defied you. For that alone he must die." Nyssa argues with conviction.

"So dramatic." I chuckle and she glares over at me and Ras only glances my way.

"And you continue to defy me, did I not say you were to stay quiet?" Ras warns and I shut my mouth.

Nyssa leaves clearly upset and Ras huffs. He turns back to me and stares for a minute in contemplation. I hold his gaze not willing to show fear and he smirks.

"You can get out now." Ras instructs me and I get out of the pit and get dressed.

Oliver's POV:
I get back to the apartment and ask Thea why she told Laurel how she was drugged. And that Rieka was the one who stopped Thea from killing Sara, by taking Sara out first.

"I guess I'm not as good as keeping secrets like you." She retorts in a snarky manner.

"I'm not going to pretend to understand all the pain you're in right now. But the threat out there is real. We need to work in unison if we want to survive." I try and tell her once again and she glares at me.

"Are you quoting Malcolm Merlyn to me right now?!" She growls.

"Yes, because he knows better than anyone the danger that we are facing." I say.

"We're not in any danger. Not anymore." Thea states and I look at her confused.

"Not you or me, but Malcom? He's going to face justice." Thea keeps going.

"Thea, what have you done?" I ask feeling the air begin to leave my lungs.

Rieka's POV:
"You will go with Nyssa to retrieve Malcolm Merlyn." Ras states and I look up at him from the table confused.

"You're insane. First you're mad that I lied to you about him being alive, and now you trust me to hand him over?" I scoff then a knife is thrown at my head but I catch it.

"Do not talk back to me!" He growls.

"For once, father, I must agree with her. How has she proven her loyalty to you and not him?" Nyssa asks as she enters the room.

Ras glares at the both of us for a few moment. He clears his throat and his men leave the room at once. Nyssa and I give one another knowing glances that this isn't going to go well for either of us.

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