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Rieka's POV:
"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Nick shouts at me as we enter the house.

Rieka's POV:"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Nick shouts at me as we enter the house

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"Where did you even learn how to do that passing out trick?" He adds.

"Why? You wanna learn it?" I scoff.

"Could you please be serious for one fucking second?" He growls.

"Fine, what?" I ask annoyed.

"What were you really doing there?" He asks and I take a deep breath.

"I was helping Oliver. His sister, the girl we saved had a drug called Vertigo in her system. The judge basically threw the book at her to make an example. Oliver is trying to find out who is supplying it so he can have the police catch him and arrest him instead of making Theo the sacrificial lamb. In order to find out the seller we needed a meeting set up. That means doing favors for the people who know contacts who can set up a meeting. They needed that guy dead, so I made them believe that he was dead. And in return they set the meeting up." I explain in one breath.

"Why do you have to be a part of it though?" He asks.

"Because Ollie asked for my help." I state.

"And just like that you are willing to commit a felony for him?" Nick scoffs.

"And just like that you are willing to commit a felony for him?" Nick scoffs

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"I'm gonna let you on a little not known secret. I only get caught when I want to be caught." I whisper and he scoffs.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to pick out what to wear for the meeting tonight." I say and head upstairs.

"Fine but I'm coming along." He says and I stop.

"No you're not." I scoff.

"It's either that or I tell Mr. Merlyn that his tiger snuck out of the cage and he'll up the security measures. So, what's it going to be?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Fine, but watch from a distance. Oliver won't be happy with you tagging along and neither will The Count." I warn and he nods his head.


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