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I get word from Felicity that I should check in on Oliver and talk to him about how he prioritized Laurel over Diggle. I sigh not wanting to get in the middle of this but from what I hear, Oliver was in the wrong.

He had promised Diggle to take down Floyd Lawton but then broke it to get revenge for Laurel.

Nick drives me to Oliver's house and waits in the living room as I go upstairs. I stop and go into the guest room when I see that he's hugging Laurel.

I hear the the guard let a delivery man in and then two faint popping sounds. The lights go out and I hear Oliver telling Laurel to stay in the bedroom with Tommy and the boy.

I creep around the corner and see the man shoot at Oliver but Oliver dodges it and gets the upper hand. They start fighting and I watch him knock Oliver out while they're on the ledge of the middle stairs.

I growl and jump down the steps and charge the man. And we both fall over the railing onto the table in the entrance of the house. He groans as he gets up and points his gun at me.

I look and see Nick about to try and tackle him but I shake my head and he stops.

"You've just made a big mistake little girl." He chuckles and I trip him and grab a fire poker and stab him between the ribs as he tries to get up.

He falls to the ground as he coughs up blood and then takes his last gurgling breath. I run up to Oliver and make sure he isn't injured too bad. I smack him in the face to wake him up and he looks up startled.

"Where is he?!" Oliver pants.

"He's dead...down there." I motion and he looks at me.

"Y-you killed him?" He asks.

"Yeah, I did. Do you mind explaining to me why he was trying to kill you?" I chuckle.

"That's right, I didn't tell you. Um...he was hired to kill a little boy who witnessed the murder of his parents." Oliver explains.

The police arrive and Oliver tells Lance that the Guard Mr. Robinson saved all our lives but was shot in the process. Nick comes up to me and pulls me aside.

"You're stitches are-." He starts saying.

"They're fine." I snicker and he looks relieved.

"I guess you weren't kidding when you said that Malcom is like your handler, I definitely saw it in your eyes when you knew how to kill him." Nick states impressed.

" Nick states impressed

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"I have my moments." I shrug and he chuckles.

"Rieka, it's good to see you. It's been a little while." Tommy says and hugs me.

The police leave and Tommy goes over to Oliver. "You saved our lives again...thank you." Tommy thanks Oliver.

"Actually-I'm not the one who saved you...Rieka got him away from you guys by throwing him over the railing as well as herself. And then ended it once and for all." Oliver tells him the truth and I glare at him.

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