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I head out and get myself a new phone and Roy puts his number in it. Not in a flirty way, just as a contact.

I head back home and Malcolm walks into the living room and sees me there.

"Where the hell have you been?! I've been asking all of my contacts if they'd seen you and not one of them had! I thought-." He starts saying.

"That I ran away again, yeah, no, I decided to lay low for a bit until you figured out who tried to assassinate you." I explain and he sighs and nods his head understanding.

"Well, I guess you get to be the one to kill them then." He states and I sigh.

"It's that or I fire Nick and take you everywhere with me." He suggests and I gulp.

"Alright, fine who's the target?" I ask and he gives me a name.

I go out in my black cloak with the bow and arrow and shoot my target from a rooftop right as Moira is talking to him.

I jump down from the roof and walk towards her.

"Mr. Merlyn thanks you for yours loyalty. You've done well. Now Chen's family will share his fate." I state with my voice warped.

"Chen betrayed us, but his daughter didn't. Tell Mr. Merlyn I want her to live. Amanda nearly lost her life in the Glades now she's lost her father, I think she's suffered enough." Moira pleads.

"We must send a message." I counter.

"We have."

"Very well." I say knowing that this will
be enough to make her unravel.

I disappear into the night so I'm gone before she even turns around. I get back home and give Malcolm the bloody arrow as evidence.

"She asked to leave his daughter alone. I'm inclined to grant her request. If I remember correctly she was brutally raped." I state and he seems to think it over.

"Ok, but then you owe me." Malcolm proposed and I try to read him.

"Owe you?" I ask.

"You need to take someone else's life to save Amanda's. A trade off if you will." Malcolm explains.

"Who?" I ask.

"That's what you need to find out. Someone is selling Vertigo again, and seeing what that did to you almost broke me. It needs to be taken off the streets permanently. Do you understand?" He says and I nod my head.

"Looks like we have a deal." I say as we shake hands.

He puts my monitor back on and I head down to the factory. I find Oliver, Diggle and Felicity.

"Over the past few days the city had been flooded with a new version of Vertigo." Oliver starts saying and then stops when he sees me.

"What? Don't stop on my account, you were doing just fine." I joke and he gets a big smile on his face and wraps me in a big hug.

"Where the hell were you?! I filled your voice message box." Oliver asks.

"I thought I should lay low until Malcolm found out who tried to have him killed." I explain.

"Of course, that makes sense." Oliver nods his head.

"What's this about? Oh, yeah I heard about that. Vertigo is back out in the streets." I state and Oliver sighs.

"It looks like what was in your body was the next step in making the drug more unstable." Oliver states.

"It killed a girl in the night club. Just like it almost killed Thea and you." Oliver adds.

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