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Rieka's POV:
The next few days I'm back in the cell. Diggle just stares at me with disgust on his face and Felicity doesn't even look my way. We are all just chilling down in the bunker when Laurel comes down the stairs in a rage.

"Finally." Laurel growls as she makes her way towards me but Diggle steps in the way.

"Laurel, you know you can't be down here." Felicity sighs, not wanting to argue.

"I don't get it. How can you two sit there, letting this psycho live?!" Laurel growls as she points at me.

"The psycho is right here, and can hear you." I taunt and she tries to get past Diggle but he keeps blocking the way.

"Get out of my way! I'm ending this!" Laurel growls and I can't help but snicker.

"Laurel, go home!" Diggle warns.

"I'm not leaving! She killed my sister, and you're doing nothing! I want her punished!" Laurel shouts.

"Oh, she will be, but not for your sister's death." I hear a familiar voice say and I freeze.

Before I can hear anything else the door to the room I'm in closes.

Felicity's POV:
Laurel is trying to get past Diggle when suddenly someone comes in from the side entrance. He's wearing what looks to be a cloak and has men behind him are dressed like Malcolm dressed when he was the Dark Archer.

"Oh, she will be, but not for your sister's death." The man states as he walks closer to the door and Diggle gets his gun ready.

One of his men take out their swords but Ras just puts his hand up and they put the sword away.

One of his men take out their swords but Ras just puts his hand up and they put the sword away

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"There is no need for guns. I'm only here to collect what is owed to me." The man states calmly, almost as if he finds Diggle's threat amusing.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?!" I ask in a shaky voice and the man looks over at me and seems to find humor in my question.

"I apologize, I'm Ras Al Ghul. And the one I am looking for is Rieka." Ras introduces himself.

"You're the one who trained my sister, Sara." Laurel states in shock and he puts his attention on her.

"I am not the one who trained her. That falls onto my daughter, Nyssa." Ras corrects Laurel who is too afraid to move.

"Well, I had dibs on killing Rieka." Laurel states snarkily, gaining back some of her fire when she remembers what he is here for.

"I'm afraid you misunderstand. I'm not here to kill Kado. I'm here to bring her home." Ras says and we look at one another confused.

"What? So she gets a slap on the wrist for killing one of your own?!" Laurel scoffs not believing any of this and daring to raise her voice to a man who could kill her in a split second.

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