Almost Free

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"I'm, gonna go to the bathroom..." I say as I try to walk past Lance but he grabs my arm.

"Like hell you are." He growls.

"I have this guy's blood on my dress and hands...can I at least wash my hands?" I scoff and Lance sighs and nods his head and I go to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

I look in the cubbies for anything to help me get a bullet out of a wound and find a tweezers. I carefully take my dress off and lean against the wall in the tub. I grit my teeth as I jab the tweezers in the wound and start digging out fragments.

Once they are all out I find a small sewing kit and stitch the wound back up. I rinse out the bath and wash my hands and get dressed again.

I head downstairs to the family room where Lance is talking with Oliver and his mother storms into the room.

"Are you ok?" Moira asks.

"I'm fine." Oliver answers.

"Detective, how did you know I was in trouble?" Oliver asks.

"I didn't. I knew Rieka was in trouble because the asshole broke her ankle bracelet."  Lance explains.

"Oliver." Moira says worried.

"Mom. I promise I'm fine." Oliver reassures her and I walk into the room.

"What happened to you?" Moira asks shocked as she looks at me.

"Kinda got blood on me." I say as I look down at my blood soaked dress.

"It kinda looks cooler like this." I joke but no one else seems to find it funny.

"This is on you, by accusing my son publicly you've made him a target." Moira growls.

"Do you have any idea who attacked Oliver?" Walter asks.

"We haven't identified him yet, though it must be someone with a grudge against The Hood, obviously." Lance sighs and takes Oliver's ankle bracelet off.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asks.

"I got a call from my lieutenant. An arms dealer was attacked across town tonight. By the vigilante." Lance says clearly not happy. "Multiple witnesses put him there. In light of that, all charges against your son are being dropped."

"What about Rieka?" Oliver asks.

"Rieka stays with me, she has nothing to do with your case." Lance explains.

"I'm truely sorry for what's happened to your family Quinten, but would you kindly get the hell out of my house?" Moira states in a cold manner.

"Figures." I mumble.

"What was that?" She asks.

"I'm just pointing out that you don't have an ounce of empathy for anyone but yourself." I scoff.

"Excuse me? I took you in! I clothed you and fed you!" She growls.

"You did that because you were scared of what Malcolm would do if he found out you knew I was back, without telling him." I whisper and she slaps my face and I chuckle and head to the door.

"Mr. Lance? Thank you." Oliver thanks Lance for saving his life and Lance nods his head and I follow him to his cruiser.

"What was that all about?" Lance asks confused.

"She only helped me because Oliver asked her to. Then she realized how screwed she was if Malcolm found out and she continued to hide me to protect herself." I explain calmly.

"Malcolm doesn't know your back?" Lance asks me shocked.

"Nope. If he did he would probably do something reckless and damaging." I mumble.

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