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Rieka's POV:
I watch as Oliver and Sara try to fight off Al Owal and his men in the clock tower and fail miserably. Al Owal is about to finish Sara off when I shoot an arrow from the rooftop of another building into his neck and then yank it back out to myself, not leaving any evidence for Felicity to work with.

I go off into the night and can only hope that Sara goes back to Nyssa and The League. The last thing I need is The League in Starling City.

I head back to my junk yard house and lie down, thinking about the boat and island. I grunt and get up and go to bed.

I wake up and look around me and I shake my head when I think about how I ended up here, and how much I miss Oliver. I pace around for a bit before I finally make up my mind and lock down everything and head back to Malcolm's place and get my stuff from there and head to the club.

Oliver's POV:
I come back from the tip that Roy left me and shake my head as I think about how reckless the kid is being. When I told him to help, I made it clear that it was obtaining information only.

"You look like shit." I hear someone say and my head snaps up and I see a smirking Rieka standing down in the lair.

I rush over to her and wrap her in a big hug, realizing that I missed her so much but also knowing that she probably needed the time alone, just as I did. I look at her she chuckles as I put her down.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you're back." I sigh, feeling relief wash over me for the first time since Tommy died.

"I heard you were recruiting Roy, Thea's boyfriend?" She says with an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed.

"Just for intel, I swear." I chuckle and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Hey, Oliver. So I was thinking-." Felicity starts saying and then stops halfway down the steps when she sees Rieka.

"Got room for one more?" Rieka asks sarcastically and Felicity breaks into a smile and gets down the stairs and brings her into a big hug.

"Oliver, we have a problem-." Diggle starts as he enter and then stops when he sees Felicity hugging Rieka.

"Great, just what we needed the traitor..." Diggle mumbles, clearly not happy that Rieka is back.

"John!" I growl.

"Ollie, it's fine. I have nothing to prove to him." Rieka sighs not phased and I calm down.

"Ahem...As I was saying...we have a problem...Lyla is in Moscow and hasn't called back to ARGUS yet, I'm going there to find her so I'll be gone for a few days." Diggle starts explaining not taking his eyes off of Rieka as if she's gonna try and shoot him or something.

"Not without us your not." Felicity scoffs and I nod my head in agreement.

"Rieka, I know you just got back-." I start saying.

"I've always wanted to get some authentic Vodka..." She smirks and I shake my head at her remark.


We get our things packed and head to the jet. We are about to board when a limo drives up and the Co-CEO of Queen's Consolidated steps out.

Since my mom is in prison and Walter left. I am in charge of the company. But I made a deal with one of the people who was trying to take the company from me and now we are co-CEO's.

"What, you didn't think that you were going on a business trip without me, did you?" She scoffs and has someone get her bags onto the jet and Rieka looks at me with a raised brow.

Arrow-Rieka Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora