S.T.A.R. Labs

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Oliver's POV:
After Rieka leaves I start feeling guilty for sending her to get Ivo. I haven't told the others about him just yet and I haven't told Sara that he's still alive.

I try and text Rieka but she doesn't respond. I start getting worried and call her. I'm pacing back and forth in the bunker, worrying that something might've happened.

"Oliver, I bet she's fine-." Felicity starts saying and gets a call from someone and leaves the room.

A few minutes later she comes back in and her face is sheet white.

"Felicity, what is it?" Diggle asks concerned.

"It's Barry...and Rieka. You know how the Accelerator exploded? They were in central city when it happened..." Felicity says faintly with tears in her eyes and I'm already halfway out the door.

"They're both in coma's..." Felicity finishes as she and Diggle follow me.

"Oliver, she'll be fine! She's been through worse man!" Diggle tries to get through to me but I'm already on my bike ready to race there.

"Well if you're going then we're all going." Felicity says and I stop my bike and we head out on the jet.


I get word that Rieka is in S.T.A.R Labs and we head over there. I walk into the building and Felicity ping's Kado's cell.

We track it down on one of the upper floors and enter a room that looks like a lab. I run over when I see her in a hospital bed.

"Excuse me, you can't be in here!" A boy with dark brown shoulder length hair says surprised as he enters the room.

"Excuse me, you can't be in here!" A boy with dark brown shoulder length hair says surprised as he enters the room

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"We're bringing her back home." I growl as I start picking her up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. She's in stable condition now, but she won't be if you move her. Your doctors won't be able to help her. She was affected by the Particle Accelerator." A man in a wheelchair states as he enters the room.

" A man in a wheelchair states as he enters the room

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"This is your doing..." Felicity states as she looks at the man.

"This was never my intention Miss..."

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