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We all sit in silence waiting for Oliver to wake up. I sit right next to the table holding his hand.

"He's probably gonna be pissed at me for not letting him visit me." I joke.

"Well, if it's any consolation, he completely broke down when he heard you were in the hospital. I had never seen him like that. He was lost without you here. He kept asking himself what you would say to him." Diggle explains.

"Oh yeah? And what did I say to him?" I chuckle knowing this should be good.

"Listen to their actions, not their words." I think it was." Diggle states.

"I for one didn't expect that." Felicity states.

"I was wasted when I said that to him. We were talking about adults and how stupid they can be and how they always say to kids you should be seen not heard. And I was mocking that saying." I laugh.

"That's right." Oliver says groggy and chuckles.

"Welcome back." I smirk.

"I guess I didn't die...again. Cool." Oliver states.

"Now I can definitely see why you two get along." Felicity laughs and Diggle just shakes his head.

"Oh, good you didn't relapse, you druggie." Oliver grunts as he sits up.

"Welcome back man." Diggle says as he helps Oliver off the table.

"Hey you." Oliver says as he looks at Felicity.

"Hey." She says back. "I canceled the blood work, your blood that was on the floor in your mom's office."

"So does this mean you're in?" Oliver asks.

"You mean in as in, I'm going to join your crusade?" She asks.

"Well, you're practically an honorary member of the team already." Oliver shrugs.

"No." She answers.

"Then why'd you upgrade my system?"

"First, because seeing a network that poorly setup hurts me in my soul. And second, I want to find Walter."

"I'm sorry, did I miss something?" I ask confused.

"Mr. Diggle told me that the notebook you use to fight crime is the same notebook that got Walter abducted." Felicity explains and I realize that they are in the serious shit now.

"I'll help you rescue him, but that's it."

"Hold up, someone want to catch me up to speed?" I ask.

"Sure, Walter found a notebook in his and Moira's bedroom that is the same as the one Oliver took off his father. Walter was asking about it and then got abducted. Oliver asked his mother about the book and she threw it in the fire. I went and spied on her and recorded a conversation with her and some other person but their voice is distorted. Basically Moira admitting to knowing that the boat was sabotaged and how she has to get rid of the salvaged scraps." Diggle explains.

"Thank you." I say now that I know how far they are.

"I've been meaning to ask. Is there a bathroom?" Felicity asks and she heads to the bathroom.

"Oliver, I know you don't want to hurt this girl and you didn't have any choice in telling her who you really were, but we're asking her to get involved in some pretty dangerous stuff." Diggle puts it out there.

"We can protect her." Oliver states.

"How? Your mother just shot you, Oliver. You can't even keep yourself safe." Diggle counters.

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