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I make it to the island with Thea and we get our stuff set up. We start training on the beach to keep up our physical strength. I can't help but be impressed with Thea's skills. But then again the same man who trained her trained Rieka.

"Is it weird? Being back here with me?" Thea asks as we sit by a camp fire.

"I've been back here before. In a lot of ways, this place reminds me about who I am. Or who I've become." I state truthfully.

"It's probably why Malcolm suggested we train here." I clarify.

"It's kinda cool that we're here. It's like there's really no more secrets between us anymore." Thea says and I can't help but feel a bit guilty but at the same time Rieka has secrets that aren't mine to tell.

"When you were here, did you ever think you were going to see us again? Get home again?" Thea asks and I just look into the fire.


I wake up and see that Thea is looking at me worried.

"Are you ok?" She asks me.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"You kept saying Rieka's name." She says and I gulp.

"Oh, uh...yeah, well I was...I was dreaming.."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks me.


"That Sara died. Laurel told me. Kind of by accident..." She explains.

"Well, I didn't want to upset you...and Laurel didn't want anyone to know."

"Why?" She asks.

"After everything that happened with Slade...Sara went back to the League of Assassins. She had her own secrets Thea. And uh...those weren't my secrets to share." I try to explain in a vague manner.

"Was it the League that killed her?" Thea asks me but I get up wanting to avoid the question.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna take a walk to clear my head." I say and head out.

I go to the prison that we put Slade in and I head down the ladder. I huff and start walking in the underground bunker towards Slade's cell.

"Slade, I told myself that I wasn't going to come down here, that I never needed to see you again. You'll be happy to know I was wrong." I say but then stop when I realize that the door to his cell has been unlocked.

I walk in and see that the guard is in Slade's bed. Dead. I hurry out of the prison cell and run towards where I left Thea. My heart starts pounding hard when I don't see her.

"Ollie, what is it?" She says as she comes around into sight from behind a tree.

"We need to get off the island. We're in danger." I say through huffs.

"What are you talking about?" Thea scoffs.

"Slade Wilson's here."

"Ollie that is ridiculous." She states.

"It's not. Just listen to me. I was keeping him prisoner here." I try to say as fast as I can.

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