Al Namir

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Oliver's POV:
Ras orders Rieka to go with me to Starling City to get Nyssa. A few of his other men come along, Sarab being one of them.

We get on one of the roofs and Rieka looks bored as I make my speech to the group. I can now see what Ras meant when he said that she was a handful either way. She doesn't seem to want to listen to anyone, especially if they claim their in charge. The entire ride here she was sleeping, not listening to my instructions.

"Rieka, what did I just say?" I ask as I walk over to her as she clearly wasn't paying attention, again.

"Take her alive and don't kill anyone who tries to stop us." She repeats my lecture in a bored voice as she checks her nails.

Nyssa's POV:
Laurel brings me to Felicity and John Diggle to talk about what's going on and why Oliver is back for me. Felicity tries to assure us that Oliver wouldn't do that, that he joined the League only to protect his friends.

"What you need to understand is that Oliver Queen is dead. He's a memory." I try to explain to them as bluntly as I can.

Laurel backs me up and tells them that the League make the recruits go through a reprogramming process. A brainwashing process in their terms.

"Oliver never said that he was signing in for brainwashing!" Felicity states shocked.

"The League's ways are shrouded in ritual and ceremony. Oliver would not know it was happening." I state.

"I don't care. Oliver, he is stronger than that. And Rieka would never let it happen to him anyway!" Felicity counters.

"Rieka plunged a sword through him and kicked him off a cliff." I scoff and Felicity clenches her jaw.

"What?!" Diggle asks shocked.

"It doesn't matter. I did not come here to debate. Laurel insisted that I bring this news to you myself. But I can see all I'm doing is damaging your memory of him. Perhaps it is better for you to not think of what Oliver has become. You can have that luxury." I say and start to leave.

Diggle's POV:
"What did she mean when she said that Rieka plunged a sword through Oliver?" I ask confused.

"Literally that..." Felicity mumbles and I look at her confused.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"It was her punishment I think..." Felicity answers and I just take a deep breath.

Nyssa leaves and Laurel turns back towards us.
She tries to talk us into helping Nyssa against Oliver. Felicity calls Nyssa insane claiming that Oliver is still Oliver.

"Since when does Ras' daughter become someone we stick our necks out for?" I ask.

"I know you're furious with Ras for what he's done to Oliver. We all are. But Nyssa...she saved my sister's life. She gave her a home. She's a good person. In spite of everything she grew up with. And the last time I checked protecting good people is what we do. Plus if there is any chance of getting Oliver back...No one knows the League better than Nyssa. Did you see her face, she was terrified. I didn't even think that was possible." Laurel states shocked.

"It's possible if Rieka is with Oliver hunting her down." Felicity mumbles.

"What are you talking about? Nyssa could take Rieka easily!" Laurel scoffs and I look over at Felicity who is looking at the ground.

"What are you not telling us?" I ask Felicity.

"Rieka...tried to kill me when we were at Nanda Parbat...the only reason I'm alive is because Ras was quick enough to use the same stuff on her that was put on Thea when she came back to life." Felicity confesses in a shaky voice.

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