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Ivo's POV:
I meet up with Felicity, Laurel and Diggle at the club. We head down to the basement where the headquarters of the team are.

"You asked me to talk about Rieka?" I ask curious, knowing what Felicity told me about Oliver and the League.

"We think that she might have another personality or ego. We were wondering if you ever saw anything in her while you were on the boat." Diggle explains and I sigh and nod.

"It's a bit more complicated than just an alter ego or personality." I say and pause.

"What do you mean?" Laurel asks and I lick my lips.

"It's not like a switch you can just flip in her, it's more of a...defense mechanism." I try to explain.

"A defense mechanism to what?" Felicity asks intrigued.

I stare at the ground trying to figure out how to word it. I don't want them to think Rieka is a monster because she's not, but she is however extremely dangerous when she gets like that.

"When I first found her and Sara, I thought Rieka was dead. I set her up in a different room on a table." I start to explain.

"Safe to say I almost had a heart attack when she walked into the room when I was talking with Sara." I chuckle.

"Why did you think she was dead?" Diggle asks.

"She didn't have a pulse, she wasn't breathing. Basically all the hallmarks of a dead person." I say.

"Anyway, when she walked into the room and the look on her face." I say remembering the murderous look she had in her eyes.

"What look?" Felicity asks nervously.

"Nothing human." I admit and she gulps seeming to know what I'm talking about.

"Okay, so what..." Diggle asks and I huff.

"We made a deal of sorts. I didn't see much of the Rieka you guys know. Not until Oliver got involved." I continue.

"What was she like?" Laurel asks and I clench my jaw.

"Probably the most resilient person I had ever met. She wasn't afraid of anything and didn't take no for an answer." I start explaining.

"How is that different than who we know?" Diggle asks.

"Because she didn't act much like a human. If I could describe the way she looked at people, it would be like a-."

"Tiger looking at it's prey." Felicity finishes my sentence and I nod.

"How did you control her?" Laurel asks and I scratch the back of my neck.

"Sex." I admit and they all look at one another confused.

"How do we get her to go into this... mindset?" Laurel asks and I clench my jaw.

"Trust me, you don't want to do that." I warn in a serious tone.

"Actually that's exactly what we want to do." Diggle counters and I furrow my brows.

"We need to get Oliver back, and this is the only way we can do it." Felicity explains and I huff and shake my head.

Lyla's POV:
The blindfold is taken off my eyes and I see Oliver with a bunch of men in black outfits like Merlyn around him.

"How could you become this?" I ask him trying to get him to look at me.

"Be quiet!" He orders and I glare at him.

"Where is Al Namir?" He asks a man standing next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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