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Roy gives Ivo some of his blood to study and Oliver sets Ivo up with an apartment for the meantime. Sara stays with Oliver and I crash in the bunker.

I try to sleep but Ivo keeps entering my mind. I try to get comfortable on my cot but nothing works. I get fed up with the restlessness and head out to clear my head.

I start walking in the dark trying to think of anything but Ivo. I start walking across the street not noticing a oncoming car because I'm too much in my own head.

I hear honking and suddenly I'm falling off the hood off the car. I can feel that I've definitely bruised some ribs. The driver rushes out of the car and calls 911.

"No, don't. I'm fine." I groan as I get up off the road, holding my side.

"You need to go to a hospital!" The man urges.

"No, it's all good. I'm fine. Sorry I hit your car." I apologize and make my way the rest of the way across the street.

Before I can disappear into the shadows I hear police sirens. I moan not wanting to have to deal with cops and doctors. Or a worried Oliver.

"What happened?" I hear Lance ask the driver as I try to walk away.

"I didn't see her, I swear." The man states apologetically.

"Her who?" Lance asks not seeing me yet.

"That girl over there. I tried to get her to go to the hospital but she said she was fine." The guy explains and points in my direction and I close my eyes and let out a deep breath.

I hear Lance walking my way and just pray that he decides to turn around. I must have run out of luck because he recognizes me.

"Rieka? I should've known." Lance sighs as I turn towards him with a glare.

"Look, I'm fine. Ok. Can we just not-." I start saying.

"Rieka, the man says he didn't see you until it was way too late. This street is a 55 mph zone. You could've been killed." Lance states worried.

"Well, looks like I'm still alive. So, we good?" I ask and turn around to walk away but he walks around me and stops in my way.

"I get that you don't like hospitals, but we need to get this checked out." He states pointing to my side.

"Fine, but we're not going to a hospital." I growl.

"What you have some secret doctor stowed away or something?" Lance jokes not knowing about Ivo.

"I have connections." I state as he helps me into his cruiser.

I give him the apartment building and I get out of the car. I start heading inside but stop when I hear his door open and close.

"What are you doing?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"I'm making sure there's actually someone here who can help you, and not just a lie to get me off your back." He says and walks past me and opens the door for me.

We make our way to the third floor and I knock on Ivo's door. The door opens and he scoffs.

 The door opens and he scoffs

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