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Rieka's POV:
I watch as Oliver is brought to his knees in front of Ras, hands chained behind his back. I lurch forward a bit but my chains hold me back. Ras puts a hand up in warning for me to sit still and I do as he commands.

"Good girl." He mutters and I gulp.

"You tasted death. And you wanted more. But the truth is...everyone...and everything must come to an end. Even for one such as me." Ras says and puts his sword under Oliver's chin.

"Kill me. But spare John Diggle's life and grant Rieka's freedom. I will beg for it." Oliver states.

"You have shown tremendous strength... fortitude...power." Ras says and puts his sword down at his side.

"No, Mr. Queen. I don't want to kill you. I want you to take my place. I want you to become the next Ras al Ghul. Ras is a title greater than any one man." Ras states as his men take Oliver's chains off and he stands up.

Ras says something in a different language and I immediately recognize it.

"The tale to be told begins thus." Ras explains and walks towards me.

"Come here." He whispers and undoes my chains from the ground.

Oliver looks at me with a worried expression but doesn't say a word. Ras seems to notice the confusion and smirks the smallest bit.

"Rieka has proven to be quite difficult to handle and train. Malcolm Merlyn had his ways of keeping her under control and I have mine. I cannot very well have her undermining me and expect my men to follow my orders." Ras explains and holds the chain in his hand.

Oliver looks like he wants to run over and hug me but he forces himself to stay calm.

We walk down a corridor and see some men fighting with swords, I immediately pull on the chain. It's like something inside me lurches and yearns to join in.

"Easy, you will have your turn." Ras hushes me as if he knows what I'm feeling.

Men duck and dive through the sword fighting and Ras orders everyone to stop just as one is on his knees with a sword to their neck. They stop in an instant and Ras gives my chains to one of his men behind us.

"Remember, no slack." Rad orders the man and starts walking forwards.

The previously fighting people step aside to give way to the one on their knees. Oliver lurches forward as Ras takes the sword but stops when Ras speaks.

"Don't let your footing betray you. Let your power come not from the strength of your attack...but from the ground that holds your feet." He instructs the fighter and hands the sword back to the fighter.

He comes back over and takes the chains from Sarab and we start walking again.

"All men seek guidance...a purpose. A means to live without pain. Those who journey here are given such an exchange for their fealty."

"You mean, they have to kill for you." Oliver states.

"No, Mr. Queen, they have to die for me." Ras corrects him and we keep walking.

We get to the dining room and he sits down at the head of the table and I sit on the ground. Oliver looks down at me with a concerned expression.

"She needs to learn that she eats what I give her, and only when I give it to her. You may think it cruel and perhaps it is, but someone with her...abilities...needs some sort of structure or guidance or they will get themselves in too much trouble." Ras states.

"Is all of this supposed to impress me?" Oliver asks about the spread.

"No. To inform you. Surely, men have branded you a murderer...a torturer. You see, I would never shame you with such bluntness. Because I see it in your eyes. The struggle you have with your dual identity. Oliver Queen and The Arrow. Neither giving you what you crave."

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