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Lance's POV:
I'm on the phone in the alley and hang up when I feel a presence behind me. I try to fight off the attacker but they best me and put a hood over my face.

The next thing I know I'm on my knees in a dimly lit building. A man with dark slicked black hair walks towards me. He's wearing a black robe type of thing with a sword.

"I apologize for the coarse treatment. I didn't think I'd get you to speak with me on your own accord." A man I can only guess to be Sara and Rieka's boss, says.

"You're him." I scoff.

"Ras Al Ghul. It's an honor to meet you. Sara spoke with such love about her father. As does Rieka." He says and I try to stand up but the man behind me pulls me back down.

"Listen, what do you want?" I ask.

"To help the city as your daughter did. You hunt for the man they call the Arrow."

"Yeah. What? Are you gonna help me find him?" I scoff.

"You'll be able to find him easily. Once I tell you his name."

"And why would I believe just any name that you throw at me?" I ask skeptically.

"Well, because with this revelation...everything will become clear. And you will realize that the man you have been looking for has been right in front of you the entire time. The same man who lied. Telling you he wasn't with Sara on Lian Yu. Oliver Queen is the Arrow." He states and I huff.

"Where is Rieka?" I ask and he quirks a brow.

"She's safe. I'm surprised she told you her identity." He states clearly shocked but staying composed.

"She told me how she killed my daughter and how it was a quicker death than you would've given her." I state and he nods his head.

"That's true. I can't help but wonder why you don't hate her..." Ras states and I gulp.

"She clearly means something to you. Which is why I'm going to ask that you don't tell anyone that you know she's alive. Most believe her to be dead and I prefer to keep it that way. I know Oliver and I see eye to eye on that since not even your living daughter knows she's alive." He states and then a hood is placed back over my head again and everything goes black.


The next day I get ready and head to the station. I try not to think too much about what happened last night. I sit down at my desk and gulp remembering Rieka telling me she killed Sara. All of the emotions I went through hearing that.

"We need to talk." Laurel says as she enters my office.

"Aren't you tired of these chats? I know I am." I huff.

"Then let's cut through all the crap. You don't think the Arrow is behind the murders. You're just pissed off because he kept Sara's death a secret from you." She says.

"That is not why! That is not why!" I shout as I get out of my chair.

"I mean, maybe at first. Yeah. But then I realized, he is the reason Sara got killed." I continue.

"Dad that is ridiculous." She scoffs.

"No. You, Harper, Sara...the freak in Central City, the Huntress. I got a new guy flying around the city. All these masks, they started with him. And Sara died only because she was part of it too." I state in a firm tone.

"You have no idea why Sara was killed." She shakes her head.

"She ended up with the League of Assasins because she was marooned in Lian Yu... because she got on that boat with Queen." I explain.

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