Central City

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Slade leaves Oliver's place and Oliver comes back to the bunker and the others come along.

"Rieka, can I talk to you in private?" Oliver asks and Diggle side-eyes me.

"Yeah. Sure." I say and follow him out of the bunker into the alley.

"What is it?" I ask wondering what Oliver doesn't want the others to know about, or at least not yet.

"How sure are you that Ivo can make a cure?" Oliver sighs.

"With the right tech. I think it's completely possible." I say and he nods.

"What kind of tech?"

"S.T.A.R Labs." I answer and he sighs.

"I really don't like the idea of you going out there with Ivo, unprotected." Oliver huffs and puts his head down.

"Oliver, I promise you, I'll be fine." I assure him but he looks up at me with sad eyes.

"I-I don't know what I'd do if Slade did something-." He starts admitting.

"Oliver, listen to me. Ok? Slade doesn't know I'm alive or that Ivo is alive. Our best chance at finding a cure is in Central City." I tell Oliver as I put his face in my hands.

"I know...I just wish there was someone else who could go with him..." Oliver mumbles.

"Of course you're running off." Sara scoffs after Oliver heads back inside.

"Can we not do this right now. Look, I get it. You're pissed that I lied about killing Ivo, but you need to grow up and realize that he is the only chance we have at finding a cure. So yes I'm running off to S.T.A.R Labs to help make the cure." I say and she clenches her jaw and walks away.


I head off with Ivo to Central City in his car. I just sit there not wanting to talk. He seems to notice and can't help himself.

"What's on your mind?" He asks.

"Nothing." I state looking out the window.

"Rieka, I learned a thing or two about you on the boat. And one of those things is that when you're quiet it means that something is bugging you. So tell me what's rolling around in that mind of yours." He states and I huff and roll my eyes.

"This is my fault..." I mumble and he looks over at me confused.

"How is this your fault?" He asks.

"I should've gone with Oliver on the ship to fight Slade. Instead I made sure Sara got to safety..." I say remembering how I made sure that Ras didn't kill her.

"You were making sure that Sara had a chance to survive. You did the right thing." He answers and I shake my head not convinced.

We get to S.T.A.R Labs and go up to the lab. We walk down a long curved hallway into a room with computers and equipment.

 We walk down a long curved hallway into a room with computers and equipment

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